Enginuity part 2 singleton

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4 comments, last by fallenang3l 20 years, 9 months ago
Here''s the page I''m referring to: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/programming/features/enginuity2/page5.asp (about half-way down). I understand the concept of singletons and I can model my own but I don''t understand one thing about this one. Why bother creating an offset variable and do all that whack casting if the result is always 0. Why not just ms_singleton = (T*)this;?
It''s to do with multiple inheritance.
Consider class Y derived from singleton and X: it could be coded either:

class Y: public X, public Singleton

class Y: public Singleton, public X

This would result in the memory being laid out as:




So when you return the pointer to the singleton object in the second case you will return the right address, but in the first case, you will be returning a pointer to half way through the object.
Isn't it just possible to instead to make a class a singleton by not inheritance, but ownership? Imagine this...

// singleton.htemplate <typename T> class Singleton{private:    static T *self;public:    Singleton() { if(!self) self = new T; }    GetInterface() { return self; }};template <typename T>bool Singleton<T>::self = NULL;// Other source file with wanted singleton classclass foobar{// Important, singleton class must be able to instantiatefriend class Singleton<foobar>;private:    // Variables and whatever you want    //...    // Important part, the singleton    Singleton<foobar> self;    // Also important, private ctors for impossible instantation    foobar() { /*stuff...*/ }    foobar(const foobar &cpy) { /*stuff...*/ }    foobar & operator=(const foobar &cpy) { /*stuff...*/ }public:    // The method that does it all    static foobar * GetInterface() { return self.GetInterface(); }    // More methods and variables};// Random cpp filefoobar *foo = foobar::GetInterface();    // Should be a singleton?

Alright, begin with the beating and tell me why the above code won't work, heh...

[edited by - biovenger on July 8, 2003 3:13:27 PM]
-----------------------------Final Frontier Trader
Now it makes total sense. Thanks man.
Out of curiosity, I've toyed with this code a little bit more and I've found out that by simply doing the following in the Singleton constructor suffices:
ms_singleton = static_cast<T*>(this); 

The address which the above produces is the same as with the code that manually does all the calculations, even if multiple inheritance is involved with the following case:
class Y: public X, public Singleton<Y> 

Or am I wrong because I'm failing to see something?

[edited by - fallenang3l on July 8, 2003 8:24:34 PM]
That''s exactly what I do, and haven''t had a problem with it yet.

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