Importing 3DSMAX asc files into usable geometry question

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11 comments, last by arrogantgod 23 years, 10 months ago
Ok, I am exporting data from 3dsmax 3.0 using the export ASC scene format. The format breaks the geometry into vertices per scene, and then face definitions. To create a "square" it exports 4 vertices and 2 face definitions. The problem is that the face definitions do not conform to the triangle strip method used in DX7. The face definitions tell me to connect faces 2,1,4 and then 3,4,1. The problem is that if you trace this out on graph paper you will notice that the definition tracks back over itself. How do you sort the exported file into usable data? Is there another way besides triangle strips? Thanks,
how about using trianglelist instead of trianglestrip?
Does that adversely affect the program in any way?

I realize that triangle strips are more efficient memory wise.

The book I was using for DX7 did not mention triangle lists either. I will check the SDK for info on it.

I would just stick with making a list of vertices, and then an index of faces and which vertices they use. I think it will be hell trying to put the triangles into strips, especially with some of the wierd stuff MAX can do. What does it export in an .ASC file as compared to an .ASE? I''ve always done ase, never even seen the asc. Maybe I''ll mess with it...

I am using Triangle Lists now with DrawPrimitive().

The only problem is that the object now renders out non-smooth.

How do I get the object to render smoothly? Will DrawIndexedPrimitive() fix this?

Non-smooth?, maybe its just the model(All I can think of).
hey arrogantgod... Do you mean smooth shading? The model is going to render the same way whether you use strips, fans, or a list like you already are. If I could see comparison screen shots I might get a better idea of what you want. I''m pretty sure you''re looking for smooth shading though.

I mean smooth shading. The faces do not render smoothly across one another. In 3ds max I have smoothing turned on before I collapse the geometry for export.

I have gouraud shading turned on too.

The D3DIM documentation says that if you want flat shaded models use Triangle Lists because it is a list of non-connected triangles. It says to use TriangleStrips for smooth shaded objects because it is a list of connected triangles.

The problem is that it is near impossible to convert a disconnected triangle list into a triangle strip. So there has to be another method.

The model renders out just like the documentation suggests, I can see the "facets" of the object. When running other examples using strips I dont see the facets.

How can I fix this problem?

Direct3D shades the Modeldata with the help of Normal Vectors, so you need to specify the correct normals. I am using the .ASC Format too, and i know that it doesn''t save the Normal information, so i recompute the necessary Normal Vectors.
This has nothing todo with strips, lists or Fans. Those are only different Ways of storing the vertexData. It depends on the FVF (Flexible Vertex Format) you are using, you need atleast the D3DFVF_XYZ and D3DFVF_NORMAL to render automaticly smoothed Triangles.

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Could you please explain how you go about computing the normals? Maybe include a small sample on doing 3 faces?



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