Lighting + Camera Angle

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3 comments, last by MatrixCubed 20 years, 8 months ago
Hey all, I''m having a lighting problem... in a nutshell, when the camera is angled toward the ground, the scene lighting looks good. When the camera is angled upward, the scene lighting gets darker. Any screenshots or particular code I should post to clarify? Ideas? Thanks! MatrixCubed
make sure, you position your light / camera in the correct order.
It sounds like your light is moving together with your camera.

Maybe you set the Light position after the camera? If you call glLightfv(GL_LIGHTx, GL_POSITION, ...) the position the passed is multiplied with the current Modelview Matrix. So if you first set the camera the light is multiplied with the camera-matrix.

--------------------------------------------------------There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.There is another theory which states that this has already happened...
I had a very similar problem occuring recently. Check your lighting normals, mine had been inverted, causing what you describe.
Found the problem... I added glLightfv(...) code to the main renderloop. Didn''t know that had to be done. Thanks all!


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