NEED HELP wih a MD2 loader

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6 comments, last by 4GR3V_-_NoD 20 years, 8 months ago
hi guys, im doing a md2 loader, based mostly in the sample of opengl game programming book, basically, i just changed the variables, and some other little things, the problems is that it loads the model well, but im having troubles with the display method. here is the code:

void DisplayMD2(model_data_s *model, int num_frame){
	CVector3 *frame_vertices;
	CVector3 temp;

	int i;

	frame_vertices = &model->vertex_list[model->num_vertices*num_frame];





frame_vertices is an array of objects of the class CVector3, this class has a x, y and z float member values. the debugger tells me that this (x, y and z) expressions cant be evaluated: CXX0030: Error: expression cannot be evaluated any ideas?? Thanks.
quote:Original post by 4GR3V_-_NoD


sorry this is


well i coundt do it, u understand:

for i = 0, while i is less than vertices of the model * num_frame
the problems isnt the loop code, is just i dont know why that part of the fort doesnt display well here.

the problem is with the i pass to glVertex3f, the compiler cant evaluate them, dont know what im doing bad.
if frame_vertices is a pointer of type CVector3 you can''t access its elements like you have

you need to write


"Without a sense of humour we couldn''t react to a lot of things"
-----------------------"Without a sense of humour we couldn't react to a lot of things"
quote:Original post by jhavna
if frame_vertices is a pointer of type CVector3 you can''t access its elements like you have

you need to write


"Without a sense of humour we couldn''t react to a lot of things"

Incorrect, the [] dereferences the pointer.

As for the "cannot evaluate expression", that means that the variable is either out of scope, or has no valid value at that point in the code. Make sure that you aren''t overstepping the bounds of the arrays that you''re using, the pointers are all valid, etc...

Death of one is a tragedy, death of a million is just a statistic.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
whoops.. i missed that.. thought it was an array of pointers.. apologies

"Without a sense of humour we couldn't react to a lot of things"

[edited by - jhavna on August 8, 2003 11:45:27 AM]
-----------------------"Without a sense of humour we couldn't react to a lot of things"
I don't see anything wrong with your code, so it could be that you load the model incorrectly. Anyway, the display code for the md2 'should' be something like:

void DrawModel(const MD2Modeli* modeli, int frame_num){	int				vertex_num;	// How many vertices of the type	const int*		glCommand;	// Pointer to the GL Commands	const Vector3f*	vertex;		// Pointer to the models vertices	const Vector3f* normal;		// Pointer to the normals vertices	int				index;		// Index of the vertices	// Get vertices and GL commands	glCommand	=  modeli->model->glCommands;	vertex		= &modeli->model->vertices[modeli->model->numVertices * frame_num];	normal		= &modeli->model->normals [modeli->model->numVertices * frame_num];	// Bind skin texture	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, modeli->textureID);	// Loop til end of GL Commands	while(*glCommand != 0)	{		// Check what type to draw		if(*glCommand > 0)		{			// Strip			vertex_num = *glCommand++;			glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);		}		else		{			// Fan			vertex_num = -*glCommand++;			glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);		}		// Draw a number of vertices in the specified way		while(vertex_num--)		{			float u =	  *(float*)glCommand++;	// Read as float			float v = 1 - *(float*)glCommand++;	// Beacuse of Z->Y switch			index	= *glCommand++;			glTexCoord2f(u, v);			glNormal3fv((float*)&normal[index]);			glVertex3fv((float*)&vertex[index]);		}		// End this type		glEnd();	}	return;} 

Vector3f is the same as your vector class.
glCommands are laoded from the model. The GL Game Programming book loads the commands but doesn't use them.

(This is not the best way to draw the model, but it works if you've loaded the model correctly. A better way is to put it in some sort of Vertex Array.)

Actually, I don't think this will help you much

[edited by - dta1 on August 8, 2003 3:40:39 PM]
Erase, rewind and improve

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