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6 comments, last by TheNerd Tk421 20 years, 8 months ago
}void move(){char dir = ''a'';while(dir != ''q'') { dir = getch(); system("cls"); Y am i having problems with this?
what kind of problems?
---Current project - Duck Hunt 2: Free at Last!
hmm, why are you having problems with that? that''s a very good question. maybe you don''t like the way the syntax goes in C++?

Why won''t winamp or foobar do my tax return? why oh WHY?! hehehe

--{You fight like a dairy farmer!}

--{You fight like a dairy farmer!}

#include <iostream>#include <stdlib.h>#include <iomanip>#include <conio.h>#define max_x 40#define max_y 20using namespace std;void startup_menu();int main_menu();void move();void location(int, int);void ClearArray();int x,y;int main(){ startup_menu();return 0; }void location(int xcoord, int ycoord){cout << setw(73) << "Your location is " << xcoord << ", " << ycoord << endl;}int PlayerPos[max_y][max_x];//player positionvoid ClearArray(){    for(int y=0;y<max_y;y++)    {     for(int x=0;x<max_x;x++)     {      PlayerPos[y][x] = 0;     }    }}void move(){char dir = ''a'';while(dir != ''q'') { dir = getch();system("cls");for(int loop_y=0;loop_y < max_y;loop_y++){ for(int loop_x =0;loop_x < max_x;loop_x++) {  int n = PlayerPos[loop_y][loop_x];  if(n == 1)  {   cout<<"C";  } else cout<<" "; } cout<<endl;}switch(dir){ case ''w'': y--;   cout << "\nYou move North." << endl; ClearArray(); PlayerPos[y][x] = 1;  break; case ''s'': y++; cout << "\nYou move South." << endl; ClearArray();PlayerPos[y][x] = 1;break; case ''d'': x++; cout << "\nYou move East." << endl;ClearArray();PlayerPos[y][x] = 1; break; case ''a'': x--;  cout << "\nYou move West." << endl;  ClearArray(); PlayerPos[y][x] = 1;break; case ''l'': location(x,y); break;case ''q'': system("cls");  return; break;default: cout << "Try again"<<endl;} if(x==7 && y==11) {cout << "\nYou found the treasure!";}else if(x==12 && y==12){cout << "\nYou have entered the town of Aranor." << endl;} }}void startup_menu(){char startgame;startgame = ''@'';ClearArray();PlayerPos[max_y/2][max_x/2] = 1;x = max_x/2;y = max_y/2;while(startgame != ''\r''){cout << endl << endl << endl << endl;cout << setw(45) << "NeverQuest" << endl;cout<< setw(46) << "Press Enter!";startgame = getch();system("cls");}main_menu();}int main_menu(){cout << "*************" << endl;cout<< "Main Menu" << endl;cout<< "*************" << endl;cout<< "1) New Game" << endl;cout<< "2) Load Game " << endl;cout<< "3) Manual" << endl;cout<< "4) Credits" << endl;cout<< "5) Exit" << endl;cout<< "*************" << endl;while(1){char choice;choice = getch();if(choice==''1''){system("cls");move();}if(choice==''4''){cout<<"Made by TheNerd Tk421"<<endl;cout<<""<<endl;}if(choice==''3''){cout<<"Go north: press ''w''"<<endl;cout<<"Go south: press ''s''"<<endl;cout<<"Go east: press ''d''"<<endl;cout<<"Go west: press ''a''"<<endl;cout<<"Quit to menu: press ''q''"<<endl;}else if(choice==''5''){return 0;}}}

when i compile it i get an error:
30 implicit declaration of function `int getchar(...)''
line 30:
{ dir = getch();
I''m going to assume you''re using dev-c++ and the mingw compiler judging from your error msg. Try including the conio.c file into your project

--{You fight like a dairy farmer!}

--{You fight like a dairy farmer!}

I thought about conio.h .... but not conio.c... lol...
when I say add conio.c to your project, I actually meant you goto your project manager window, right-click add source file and find this conio.c file somewhere in your include directory or where it is and add it.

--{You fight like a dairy farmer!}

--{You fight like a dairy farmer!}

quote:Original post by TheNerd Tk421
#include <iostream>#include <stdlib.h>#include <iomanip>#include <conio.h>#define max_x 40#define max_y 20using namespace std;void startup_menu();int main_menu();void move();void location(int, int);void ClearArray();int x,y;int main(){ startup_menu();return 0; }void location(int xcoord, int ycoord){cout << setw(73) << "Your location is " << xcoord << ", " << ycoord << endl;}int PlayerPos[max_y][max_x];//player positionvoid ClearArray(){    for(int y=0;y<max_y;y++)    {     for(int x=0;x<max_x;x++)     {      PlayerPos[y][x] = 0;     }    }}void move(){char dir = ''a'';while(dir != ''q'') { dir = getch();system("cls");for(int loop_y=0;loop_y < max_y;loop_y++){ for(int loop_x =0;loop_x < max_x;loop_x++) {  int n = PlayerPos[loop_y][loop_x];  if(n == 1)  {   cout<<"C";  } else cout<<" "; } cout<<endl;}switch(dir){ case ''w'': y--;   cout << "\nYou move North." << endl; ClearArray(); PlayerPos[y][x] = 1;  break; case ''s'': y++; cout << "\nYou move South." << endl; ClearArray();PlayerPos[y][x] = 1;break; case ''d'': x++; cout << "\nYou move East." << endl;ClearArray();PlayerPos[y][x] = 1; break; case ''a'': x--;  cout << "\nYou move West." << endl;  ClearArray(); PlayerPos[y][x] = 1;break; case ''l'': location(x,y); break;case ''q'': system("cls");  return; break;default: cout << "Try again"<<endl;} if(x==7 && y==11) {cout << "\nYou found the treasure!";}else if(x==12 && y==12){cout << "\nYou have entered the town of Aranor." << endl;} }}void startup_menu(){char startgame;startgame = ''@'';ClearArray();PlayerPos[max_y/2][max_x/2] = 1;x = max_x/2;y = max_y/2;while(startgame != ''\r''){cout << endl << endl << endl << endl;cout << setw(45) << "NeverQuest" << endl;cout<< setw(46) << "Press Enter!";startgame = getch();system("cls");}main_menu();}int main_menu(){cout << "*************" << endl;cout<< "Main Menu" << endl;cout<< "*************" << endl;cout<< "1) New Game" << endl;cout<< "2) Load Game " << endl;cout<< "3) Manual" << endl;cout<< "4) Credits" << endl;cout<< "5) Exit" << endl;cout<< "*************" << endl;while(1){char choice;choice = getch();if(choice==''1''){system("cls");move();}if(choice==''4''){cout<<"Made by TheNerd Tk421"<<endl;cout<<""<<endl;}if(choice==''3''){cout<<"Go north: press ''w''"<<endl;cout<<"Go south: press ''s''"<<endl;cout<<"Go east: press ''d''"<<endl;cout<<"Go west: press ''a''"<<endl;cout<<"Quit to menu: press ''q''"<<endl;}else if(choice==''5''){return 0;}}}

great use of whitespace, that code is so easy to read

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