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8 comments, last by AliasNotFound 20 years, 8 months ago
I''m currently working through the book "Programming Language Processors in Java, Compilers and Interpreters", attempting to implement a recursive descent parser. I''m having a problem with the way they are implementing expressions. Here are the production rules for an expression: Expression ::= primary-Expression (Operator primary-Expression)* primary-Expression ::= Integer literal | Identifier | Operator primary-Expression | ( Expression ) Using this gramnmer allows an expression such as 5++6 to be legal. In fact, you can string as many operators together as you want to and it parses correctly, which I don''t want. I removed the rule ''Operator primary-Expression'' from the rules for ''primary-Expression'' and that seemed to solved the problem, but now of course I can''t begin an expression with an operator, such as when negating an expression. Just in case anyone asks, this is not a homework assignment, I''m merely trying to teach myself how to write a compiler. Phil
a simple recursive descent grammar for an expression parser could be as follows:

expression ::= term (''+'' term)*
| term (''-'' term)*

term ::= factor (''*'' factor)*
| factor (''/'' factor)*

factor ::= INTEGER
| ''('' expression '')''
| ''-'' factor

If you think about it, this grammar couldn''t possibly allow the expression "5++5", because of the predictive nature of LL grammars. 5 would be parsed as a factor, which in turn can be parsed as a single term. When parsing an expression, the parser expects that an expression is a term followed by an additive operator followed by another term. Thus, when it encounters the second +, instead of the term, it gives an error and parsing fails.
Thanks dearid, breaking it up into factors and terms makes more sense.
Although, it does make semantic sense to allow 5++6 since it states what we normally imply (that 6 is a positive number).

It wouldn''t make sense to have 5**6, though.
quote:Original post by flangazor
It wouldn''t make sense to have 5**6, though.

I''m sure I''ve seen that notation to mean "five to the power of six" (or, 5^6) somewhere along the line...too bad I don''t remember where it was, though. Just goes to show, sweeping generalizations are always wrong.

-Odd the Hermit
Python has the syntax 5**6 to mean 56.
quote:Original post by flangazor
Python has the syntax 5**6 to mean 56.

Ah. Thanks for the tip--it reminded me where I ran across it. Perl does the same thing.

-Odd the Hermit
Python even has x//y, floor divide, which is the same as x/y for integers and float(int(x/y)) if x or y is a floating point.
You need to make a distinction between binary and unary operators.
John BoltonLocomotive Games (THQ)Current Project: Destroy All Humans (Wii). IN STORES NOW!
quote:Original post by JohnBolton
You need to make a distinction between binary and unary operators.

And tertiary operators. Amazing how often people forget that operators can take more than two arguments...

-Odd the Hermit

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