Your thoughts on 2D vs 3D

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11 comments, last by CROWsoft 20 years, 8 months ago
Hello, I''ve been messing with game developement for about 2 years now, off and on and I would like some feedback on my projects. please visit and try all the demos. I want to put some more effert into my projects but was wondering which way to go. 2D, 3D or throw in the towel. Please post back your finding. Thanks, -CROW
*puts on flame-resistant suit*

Both can be good if done well. Some 2d games are great, but 3d would completely ruin their style. Same goes the other way around.
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Waiting for some feed back... Anyone, anyone, Bular...
I like the sprite actors demo, nice organization of sprite related data into xml files Did you use the ID3DXSprite interface for that?
I don''t really think it should be a question about 2D or 3D these days. It should be all about how cool of a gaming exprience you can create. Much of the industry works like this these days as well. In the days of Quake2 and Tekken designers strived for realism in gaming. Of course that is still done today; raising the bar in graphics will never end. But since we pretty much know how far we can go with graphics, instead of complete realism we''re doing things like cell-shading or 2D meets 3D with games like Viewtiful Joe. A fresh new idea is better than just saying your game is 3D. That might have been cool to hear a few years ago, but now you just need a little more material than that. If you''re making an engine, the best way to go about it would be to fully support 3D, then you can also accomplish 2D with the 3D engine very easily.
Thank you for the comment.

I did not use ID3DXSprite. Just rectangles with textures.
I used V Buffers and then DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN,...) for each graphic.
I think there is a huge market in the cell phone and handheld device market for indie game developers. The devices are usually only capable of 2D graphics. Though in some rare cases some crappy 3D can be done, I think that 3D is out of place on these small platforms.

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Good point. I think I will explore some of the cell phone programming.
if you do some searches for Devkit Advance, you will find a free developement kit for the very easy to use Game Boy Advance.

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2D or 3D?

I''d say 3D. Sure it''s a little rough at the beginning, but you will get used to it.

Why 3D? Because you can do both 2D and 3D in 3D, giving you much room and flexibility to develop your uber l33t games.

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