Please help me so i can stop banging my head against the wall.....

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12 comments, last by TheNerd Tk421 20 years, 8 months ago
I think ill retry that tutorial.. form step 1...again
in the tutorial... the one i posted above... this is in there:
typedef struct _WNDCLASSEX {    UINT    cbSize;    UINT    style;    WNDPROC lpfnWndProc;    int     cbClsExtra;    int     cbWndExtra;    HANDLE  hInstance;    HICON   hIcon;    HCURSOR hCursor;    HBRUSH  hbrBackground;    LPCTSTR lpszMenuName;    LPCTSTR lpszClassName;    HICON   hIconSm;} WNDCLASSEX;
is it needed?...
Yes and no. You use it but you don''t define it. It is part of the API. He was probably just demonstrating what the structure looks like.
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