Vertex shader in DX8 immediate mode

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-1 comments, last by Stephane Denis 20 years, 8 months ago
I''m trying to write a sample program that use vertex shader and immediate mode ( i means the input vertices are already in screen position). For example: vertices = 0,0 0,480 640, 480 640, 0 and my vertex shader is something like this v.1.1 mov oPos, v0 mov oD0, c0 This seems not to work. looks like D3D is doing the projection, thing I don''t want, and then draw nothing is it possible ? in fact this is to set a primitive covering the whole screen (in 640x480 and i want to use a vertex shader for doing some UV coordinates modifications Is someone already tried to do that ? you can download the sample code i''ve trying to make it works

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