Random order

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3 comments, last by Austrian Coder 20 years, 8 months ago
Hello! I have written an routine to random the order of strings. Look here input: 1A 2B 3C 4D output: 1A 4D 3C 2B Here is the function

// ==================================

std::string RandomOrder(std::string Input)
	//string input = "1A 2B 3C 4D";  

	std::stringstream ss(Input);
	std::stringstream result_ss;
	std::vector<std::string> tokens;  
	while (ss.good()) 
		std::string text;
		ss >> text;
	std::random_shuffle(tokens.begin(), tokens.end());
	std::copy(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(result_ss, " "));
	std::string Ausgabe; = result_ss.str();

	return Ausgabe;
But i have one problem with it. There once there are two spaces in the output (1A 4D 3C 2B). How can i fix this? Thanks, Christian
I can''t see the problem. But here''s a suggestion for compacter definition.
std::string RandomOrder(std::string Input){  using namespace std;  stringstream ss(Input);  stringstream result_ss;  istream_iterator<string> beg(ss), end;  vector<string> tokens(beg, end);  random_shuffle(tokens.begin(), tokens.end());  copy(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(result_ss, " "));  return result_ss.str();}

By the way, it will always have an extra space at the end.
"1A 4D 3C 2B " 
Thanks.. i have added code to trim the right side.
By the way, here''s a useful #define:
#define ALL(__xix__) __xix__.begin(), __xix__.end() 

It allows to shorten a lot of your code.

Makes it more readable too.
The overloaded version of std::random_shuffle() that you are using uses an internal random number generator, and it may not be very random. Make a small program to exercise the function and you will see that the "random" numbers will be the same every time. The other overloaded version, though, allows you to pass a random number generator in the form of a function object. I assume from the documentation that you would do something like this, yet I'm not too sure:
class RandNumGen{public:	RandNumGen()	{		srand( unsigned ( time(0) ) ); // shouldn't really be here, as it is called every time an object is constructed	}	int operator()(int N)	{		return rand() % N;	}}; ... std::string RandomOrder( const std::string& input ); ... std::string RandomOrder( const std::string& input ){    std::stringstream ss(input);    std::istream_iterator<std::string> beg(ss), end;     std::vector<std::string> tokens( beg, end );    RandNumGen rng;    std::random_shuffle( tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), rng );    std::stringstream result_ss;    std::copy( tokens.begin(), tokens.end(),               std::ostream_iterator<std::string>( result_ss, " " ) );     // if you want to remove the last character (space)    std::string result( result_ss.str() );    result.erase( result.end() - 1 );     // hax :/     return result;     // else you would merely use: `return result_ss.str();'}

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[edited by - Lektrix on August 17, 2003 1:38:41 PM]
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