C++ Builder BMP Loading Problem!!!!!!!

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2 comments, last by soconne 20 years, 8 months ago
I''m having huge problems trying to load a simple texture map into C++ Builder. Here''s my code for loading the BMP file. BITMAPINFOHEADER biHeader; BITMAPFILEHEADER header; unsigned char *data; unsigned char color; FILE *pfile; pfile = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(pfile == NULL) return 0; fread(&header, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, pfile); if(header.bfType != BITMAP_ID) { fclose(pfile); return 0; } fread(&biHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, pfile); fseek(pfile, header.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET); data = new unsigned char[biHeader.biSizeImage]; fread(data, 1, biHeader.biSizeImage, pfile); int index; for(index=0; index < (int)biHeader.biSizeImage; index+=3) { color = data[index]; data[index] = data[index+2]; data[index+2] = color; } fclose(pfile); This works perfectly fine in Visual C++, but in Borland C++ Builder if I check the values of biHeader.biWidth, biHeader.biHeight, and/or biHeader.biSizeImage they all have either 0 or really "high" values, like 88083838 or something along those lines. I have the images in the current directory of the project so that''s not the issue, and I check to make sure it loads, but for some reason this code doesn''t grab the information correctly. I even tried outputing the contents of data to a file and it turned up blank! I know texture mapping is working because I constructed my own texture map manually and loaded it and it displayed fine, but with this code all I get is a white triangle. Any ideas?
Author Freeworld3Dhttp://www.freeworld3d.org
fread''ing structures isn''t a good idea, as different platforms or different compilers (even different compiler options) can screw it up. (because of any internal padding)
the SizeImage param is usually 0 ;( so u''ll have to recalculate it ( = with * height * numBytesPerPixel).

watch for the padding if u dont use 2^n sized textures.
As was previousley suggested, the problem may be with fread''ing the whole struct.

Try fread''ing each member of the struct seperatley.

Also, if I remember correctly BMP''s have scan-line padding, if necessary... You should read it a line at a time and skip the padding...

I have found that a hex editor/dumper is amazingly handy when trying to figure out why image loading code isn''t working.


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