DirectX GUI System - your opinions please

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282 comments, last by CrazyEddie 19 years, 10 months ago

I''m so glad you managed to get this sorted out, and I''m sorry that I did not get around to doing this - I seem to have about a hundred and one jobs to do at the moment
Never mind.It should be done by myself~
I''m hoping that this isn`t a completely stupid question, but is there a way to get a device context for the destination surface in "TextFont::drawText"?

I notice there is no GetDC function for IDirect3DSurface8 (which I could get from d_3DDevice), but there is for IDirect3DSurface9.

Any advice?
Microsoft actually removed this support in Direct3D8 - it was in 7 as well as 9, but in 8 they decided to remove it. The workaround is to create a memory DC render what you need into that and copy the contents to the surface afterwards.


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