3D Problem Huge Z Increments

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10 comments, last by CoiN 20 years, 7 months ago
instead of...

poly->TVList[count].x = (cam->View_Dist * poly->TVList[count].x) / poly->TVList[count].z;
poly->TVList[count].y = (cam->View_Dist * cam->Aspect_Ratio * poly->TVList[count].y) / poly->TVList[count].z;


zr = cam->View_Dist / (poly->TVList[count].z + cam->View_Dist);
poly->TVList[count].x *= zr;
poly->TVList[count].y *= zr;

EDIT: Check cam->View_Dist is the expected value, try setting it to 300-1000 or so manually.

[edited by - Neoteric on September 1, 2003 5:58:00 PM]

It seems that the cam->View_Dist was the problem. If I change it's value to around 100 it seems to work okay.

I'm certain I checked that as well.

Thanks Neoteric, and everyone else who replied. The help was much appreciated.



EDIT: I changed the Viewplane_W to the Viewport_W (Width of the window) in the cam->View_Dist calculation and everything is fine. I really am an idiot sometimes.

[edited by - Coin on September 2, 2003 10:12:14 AM]

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