Endian order of Ligwtwave objects.

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5 comments, last by OverGround 20 years, 7 months ago
I was hoping some one could tell me the endian order of Lightwave objects. Thanks ahead of time.. Im still here?
Im still here?
From the docs:

"Integers can have 1, 2 or 4 bytes and can be signed or unsigned. The most significant byte comes first in the file, so bytes read into memory should be reversed before being interpreted on Intel and compatible CPUs."

Hope that helps. (I can never remember which endian is what)
"-1 x -1 = +1 is stupid and evil."-- Gene Ray
Yeah.. that reverse byte order sure is a doosey
Thanks for the help if you get my reply... see u in the funnies.

Im still here?
Im still here?
You could use a very simple Assembly(inside of visual C/C++)function to switch byte order.
In the lightwave SDK, there is a small program written in C to take a Lightwave object apart and create a text file on everything in it. That''s what my converter to OpenGL is based on.

You should be able to download the SDK fron Newtek''s website, if you can''t give me you''re email address and I''ll email you the code and a compiled program.
Dreams arn't just dreams, They're a whole new world to play in.
Instead of assembly to byte shift c++ has the << and >> for shifting by the operator on the right hand side left or right.

Thanks for the web sites people.
Im still here?

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