Vertex and Polygon formats

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3 comments, last by MessageBox 20 years, 6 months ago
Vertex and polygon formats I want to standardize the vertex and polygon formats I use before I get too deep into programming my engine. So I thought I''d ask what everyone else is using This is what I''m using at the moment:

// Just the member variables shown

class VERTEX
	float x, y, z;
	float nx, ny, nz;
	float tu, tv;

	int	verts[3]; // vert indices

	int	texid;
Would it be wise to store a list of neighbouring polygons in the polygon class, for example?
What emidiatly come to my mind is to store the uv-coordinates in a seperate array. In your Struct you can only assign one pair of uv-coordinates to a vertex. This hinders you later, when you implement multitexturing. I''m using different Arrays for Vertices,Normalvectors,Colors and UV-Tables.

My Struct''s look like:

typedef struct lwtVertex lwVertex;struct lwtVertex{  lwFloat x;   lwFloat y;     lwFloat z; };typedef struct lwtTriangle   lwTriangle;struct lwtTriangle{	int       vec[3];  /* vertextableindex*/        lwVertex  vn;      /* normalvector of the face*/};typedef struct UVCoordsType lwUVCoords;typedef struct UV3CoordsType lwUV3Coords;typedef struct SurfaceTypeDef lwSurface;/* this will be used by polygons (like portals)*/struct UVCoordsType{  lwFloat u,v;};/* this will be used by triangles */struct UV3CoordsType{  lwFloat u[3];  lwFloat v[3];};struct SurfaceTypeDef{   int           type;   lwFloat       alpha;   int           texture;   int           material;   union Surface   {     lwUV3Coords  *triangle;     lwUVCoords   *polygon;   } uvtable;};typedef struct MeshHItemType  lwHItemMesh;struct MeshHItemType{	int         maxvertices;   /* size of vertextable */	int         vertices;	   /* number of used vertices */	lwVertex   *vertextab;     /* pointer to vertextable */	lwVertex   *normaltab;     /* vertexnormals */	int         maxtriangles;  /* size of meshtable */	int         triangles;     /* number of used triangles */	lwTriangle *triangletab;   /* pointer to triangletable */	int         numsurfaces;   /* Number of Surfaces */     	lwSurface   surface[lwMaxSurfaces];   /* Surfacedata */};

This structs are a cut out of the Lapwing-Engine structures. This Engine is being designed for use with OpenGL under Linux and Windows. The Engine itself is written entirely in C.

See "" for some pictures. Look under "Lapwing/Bilder". Sorry, but the site is german only.
I dont like that way of storing the coords, normal and texcoords in one class/struct. I have a Vector3 and Vector2 classes with an overloaded (float *) operator that makes easy to 'communicate' with OpenGL (thanks to 3D Game Engine Design for the idea).

Vector3 akVerts[100];glVertexPointer( (float*) akVerts); 

[edited by - tiutiu on September 25, 2003 7:35:05 AM]
I use that VERTEX structure but just an array of them for the object. That way you can use line lists, or tri-strips or whatever. 32 byte vertices are the most efficient.

tiutiu : why would you need to overload float* operator? It works just fine without.

class CVertex {public:   CVector3 position, normal;   CColor4 color;   ...}CVertex vertices[ 150 ];glVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( CVertex ), &vertices[ 0 ].position );glNormalPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( CVertex ), &vertices[ 0 ].normal);glColorPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( CVertex ), &vertices[ 0 ].color);

Edit: And just one more thing. gl*Pointer takes as last argument void pointer, not float pointer.

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

[edited by - _DarkWIng_ on September 26, 2003 5:28:47 AM]

[edited by - _DarkWIng_ on September 26, 2003 5:29:09 AM]
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

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