End annonymous posting

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29 comments, last by Raptor85 20 years, 6 months ago
as my subject states, i think ending annonymous posting could help clean up the board a little. I keep noticing AP posts that are off topic, or doing something else annoying. I really cant see a use for keeping AP around.
Yeah. Anonymous posters suck!
i agree. im with you Raptor85 :D
Me too!
One argument for AP is that the anonymity allows for more varied or "outside the box" answers. Unfortunately I''ve only seen a few examples of this, but many examples of AP''s posting off-topic or just to hear themselves speak. Personally I think GDNet should get rid of it.
---------------------Ryan Bujnowicz[ vangelis ]
AP posting is here, to protect people who don't want to be known. There are people who visit these boards, that if you knew exactly who, would make you shyt your pants.

If I said, umm, Schaschlik, was actually from Epic, or Steven Coward was from a level designer from Id. Then there would be no end to their torment, the n00bs would chase them away.These people are just random people I picked, don't bother them

Why try to keep these people secret, when you can just have AP with no names attached?

plus, it takes a while for n00bs to get the courage to put their name behind the questions they answer. And it lets lurkers help out. Someone once suggested that for every 1 registered member, there are 2 lurkers. It is pointless to make someone have an account, just to answer a question or two.

"the best thing about betting on apathy is that even when you lose, you dont care." - nethead.
Download and play Slime King I.

[edited by - dede on October 10, 2003 4:27:01 PM]
~~~~~Screaming Statue Software. | OpenGL FontLibWhy does Data talk to the computer? Surely he's Wi-Fi enabled... - phaseburn
This whole "anonymous posting protects the poster" point is moot.

a) What difference does it make, wether you post under the label "Anonymous Poster", or create an account named "Coder1234" ? What on earth makes you think that the later is less anonymous than the former ?

b) If some well known personality from a well known company would like to stay incognito, then said personality would probably not be that dumb to register under "John Carmack from IDSoft" or similar...

c) Anonymous or not, we (staff + mods) have quite a few tools to identify and track APs. And we have their IPs, of course. You''re not as anonymous as you think.

Ergo: anonymous posting is obsolete, and should be disabled on the entire board.
... unless you surf through an anonymous CGI proxy ...
I say remove anonymous posting, but give another checkbox below "Store my ligin information on my PC (via a cookie)." to something like "post anonymously". It would still save the name of the real account in the server of the person who posted. If someone wants to make some stupid comment and not have people know who they are then they still can, but it will be much easier for the moderators to punish the person if the comment is completely off-topic, inappropriate, etc.
____________________________________________________________AAAAA: American Association Against Adobe AcrobatYou know you hate PDFs...
I cannot say I find anonymous postings a problem. Perhaps less than 5% of all posts are of that kind, and on average I doubt they are more off-topic or pointless than non-anonymous ones. APs in other forums than the lounge are generally all well.

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