SELECT() question about disconnects

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0 comments, last by PnP Bios 20 years, 6 months ago
I am using the select method with winsock for a console RPG. I am wondering how to check if a client has suddenly disconnected. I have a book on network programming, but it is not very good. It focuses mostly on using Async and Completion Port methods. Please help!
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
IIRC, when a client disconnects, the readfds of the select() function will become activated and select() will return a non-zero result. Check through your readfds and you should find which one caused the message using FD_ISSET(). When you try to read from that socket, the number of bytes read will be 0. That tells you that your client has suddenly disconnected. Hope this helps.

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