Reading material

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7 comments, last by Gorf_Rules 20 years, 6 months ago
After finsihing Accelerated C++ where should I go book wise?
I would highly recommend Effective C++ and More Effective C++, both by Scott Meyers.
Hey I have a good understanding of C++ and i want to move into game programming but I in a toss up of if If i should go with OPENGL or DIRECTX ?¿?

Whats your is one easier to learn for a newb?

If i learn one will i whave trouble learing the other and not get things confused thanks
Ut o not me again:) lol
thanks chacha if others can post it''d be great, what are your experiences from these books and what do you think I will learn/expand on ?
Mat1515, do not crosspost, especially in someone else''s thread.

Iam no expert but I have gotten really really good use out of C++ from the ground up Second Edition, By Herbert Schildt. I would recommmend it as well as the other 2 already listed.

"Passion is what drives you to stay up until 4am fixing that bug that hardly anyone would notice...Passion is where great games come from, if you dont live and breathe games you shouldn''t be in the games industry." - Dave Pottinger, Ensemble Studios

Eric Ranaldi a.k.a RanBlade

[size=1]"Passion is what drives you to stay up until 4am fixing that bug that hardly anyone would notice...

[size=1]Passion is where great games come from, if you dont live and breathe games you shouldn't be in the games industry."

[size=2]- Dave Pottinger, Ensemble Studios

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[size=1][FreedBSD][My Site][Gamasutra][Khan Acadamey]

okay thanks =)
/Large Scale C++ Software Design/ by Lakos. /C++ FAQS/ by Cline, Lomow, and Girou. Much larger than the online FAQ. While not related to C++ but rather OO, /Refactoring/ by Fowler talks about how to refactor bad code into good code.

Dave Mikesell

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[edited by - Lektrix on October 14, 2003 11:15:37 AM]
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