Quick Easy Question on Windows Programming

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4 comments, last by Etherstar 20 years, 6 months ago
Working on a level editor for my current project. Was wondering how one would make an unresizable window using win32 programming? Wasn''t sure if it was some winclass parameter or using the window resize command. Thanks in advance.
Use a window style that doesn''t allow resizing..
could anyone show me an example if they have the time?
Sorry to keep pounding this, but what exactly do I do? Is it like a parameter I pass into the style or styleEx parameters?
You mean disable the resize button? Take a look at the CreateWindow() procedure its there, instead of using WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW which is probably what your doing in the dwStyle parameter set it to WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX that won''t allow you to size the window manually either.
The monkeys are listening...
Awsome, exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks soooo much!

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