Frustum Culling

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3 comments, last by CRACK123 20 years, 5 months ago
Hey, I am trying to do culling using Frustum Culling. However what seems to be happening is nothing seems to be getting rendered. I get no models rendered at all when I use frustum culling. I am not sure if I am understanding it right. However this is the code I have for frustum culling. The header file

class FrustrumCulling {
	public :
		vector3 m_vector;
		vector4 m_FOVTopPlane;
		vector4 m_FOVBottomPlane;
		vector4 m_FOVRightPlane;
		vector4 m_FOVLeftPlane;
		float g_FOVFrontClip;
		float g_FOVBackClip;
		matrix44 m_viewTransform;

	public :
		void SetupFOVClipPlanes(float angle, float aspect, float frontClip, float backClip);
		bool MeshFOVCheck(vector3 bSpherePos, float bSphereRadius, vector3 *pViewPos);

	protected :
		void PlaneFromPoints(vector3 *p1, vector3 *p2, vector3 *p3, vector4 *plane);
The source file

void FrustrumCulling ::PlaneFromPoints(vector3 *p1, vector3 *p2, vector3 *p3, vector4 *plane)
	vector3 v0, v1, v2;

	v0.x = p2->x - p1->x;
	v0.y = p2->y - p1->y;
	v0.z = p2->z - p1->z;

	v1.x = p3->x - p1->x;
	v1.y = p3->y - p1->y;
	v1.z = p3->z - p1->z;

	v2 = CrossProduct(v1, v2);

	plane->x = v2.x;
	plane->y = v2.y;
	plane->z = v2.z;
	plane->w = -(v2.x * p1->x + v2.y * p1->y + v2.z * p1->z);


void FrustrumCulling ::SetupFOVClipPlanes(float angle, float aspect, float frontClip, float backClip)
	vector3 p0, p1, p2;
	// calculate left plane

	p0.set(0, 0, 0);

	p1.x = -backClip * ((float)tan(angle * 0.5) / aspect);
	p1.y = -backClip * ((float)tan(angle * 0.5));
	p1.z = backClip;

	p2.x = p1.x;
	p2.y = -p1.y;
	p2.z = p1.z;
	this->PlaneFromPoints(&p0, &p1, &p2, &this->m_FOVLeftPlane);

	// calculate right plane

	p0.set(0, 0, 0);
	p1.x = backClip * ((float)tan(angle * 0.5) / aspect);
	p1.y = backClip * ((float)tan(angle * 0.5));
	p1.z = backClip;

	p2.x = p1.x;
	p2.y = -p1.y;
	p2.z = p1.z;
	this->PlaneFromPoints(&p0, &p1, &p2, &this->m_FOVRightPlane);

	// calculate top plane

	p0.set(0, 0, 0);
	p1.x = -backClip * ((float)tan(angle * 0.5) / aspect);
	p1.y = backClip * ((float)tan(angle * 0.5));
	p1.z = backClip;

	p2.x = -p1.x;
	p2.y = p1.y;
	p2.z = p1.z;
	this->PlaneFromPoints(&p0, &p1, &p2, &this->m_FOVTopPlane);

	// calculate bottom plane

	p0.set(0, 0, 0);
	p1.x = backClip * ((float)tan(angle * 0.5) / aspect);
	p1.y = -backClip * ((float)tan(angle * 0.5));
	p1.z = backClip;

	p2.x = -p1.x;
	p2.y = p1.y;
	p2.z = p1.z;
	this->PlaneFromPoints(&p0, &p1, &p2, &this->m_FOVBottomPlane);


bool FrustrumCulling ::MeshFOVCheck(vector3 bSpherePos, float bSphereRadius, vector3 *pViewPos)
	float Dist;

	// transform z into view space

	pViewPos->z = this->m_viewTransform.col[0][2] * bSpherePos.x +
				  this->m_viewTransform.col[1][2] * bSpherePos.y +
				  this->m_viewTransform.col[2][2] * bSpherePos.z +

	// behind front clip plane ? 

	if( (pViewPos->z + bSphereRadius) <  this->g_FOVFrontClip) 
		return false;

	// behind back clip plane ?

	if( (pViewPos->z - bSphereRadius) >  this->g_FOVBackClip) 
		return false;

	// transform x into view space

	pViewPos->x = this->m_viewTransform.col[0][0] * bSpherePos.x +
				  this->m_viewTransform.col[1][0] * bSpherePos.y +
				  this->m_viewTransform.col[2][0] * bSpherePos.z +

	// test against left clip plane

	Dist = (pViewPos->x * this->m_FOVLeftPlane.x) + (pViewPos->z + this->m_FOVLeftPlane.z);
	if(Dist > bSphereRadius) return false;

	// test against right clip plane

	Dist = (pViewPos->x * this->m_FOVRightPlane.x) + (pViewPos->z + this->m_FOVRightPlane.z);
	if(Dist > bSphereRadius) return false;

	// transform y into view space

	pViewPos->y = this->m_viewTransform.col[0][1] * bSpherePos.x +
				  this->m_viewTransform.col[1][1] * bSpherePos.y +
				  this->m_viewTransform.col[2][1] * bSpherePos.z +

	// test against top clip plane

	Dist = (pViewPos->y * this->m_FOVTopPlane.y) + (pViewPos->z + this->m_FOVTopPlane.z);
	if(Dist > bSphereRadius) return false;

	// test against right clip plane

	Dist = (pViewPos->x * this->m_FOVTopPlane.x) + (pViewPos->z + this->m_FOVTopPlane.z);
	if(Dist > bSphereRadius) return false;

	return true;
I tried to debug the code and check. It always seems to fail on left clip plane and return false. I dont know why though. I am not sure if I am doing calculations correctly. Also this is how I am calling it.

	FrustrumCullingClass.SetupFOVClipPlanes(45.0f, 800/600, 1.0f, 100.0f);  

for(int i = 0; i < this->m_numModels; i++) {
		if(FrustrumCullingClass.MeshFOVCheck(this->m_pos[i], this->m_radius, &CameraClass.GetCameraView()))  {
			glTranslatef(this->m_pos[i].x, this->m_pos[i].y, this->m_pos[i].z);
I hope someone can point me into the right direction. Thank you
The more applications I write, more I find out how less I know
I usually set up my clip-planes from the row-vectors of the projection_matrix * model_view_matrix. I think it makes the code cleaner.
Anyway, I think that the p1.y in the calculations of the left plane shouldn't have the sign, so it should be:
p1.y = backClip * ((float)tan(angle * 0.5));

This is however just a guess, debugging frustum-culling takes hours...sigh...

[edited by - amag on October 25, 2003 12:06:40 PM]
That''s an awefully complicated way to get the planes to check. How about this? I assume you are using OpenGL by the use of your own matrix structure.

void Frustum::CalculateViewFrustum() {	float   proj[16];	float   modl[16];	float   clip[16];	float   t;		glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX,proj);	glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX,modl);		// combine the matrices	clip[ 0] = modl[ 0] * proj[ 0] + modl[ 1] * proj[ 4] + modl[ 2] * proj[ 8] + modl[ 3] * proj[12];	clip[ 1] = modl[ 0] * proj[ 1] + modl[ 1] * proj[ 5] + modl[ 2] * proj[ 9] + modl[ 3] * proj[13];	clip[ 2] = modl[ 0] * proj[ 2] + modl[ 1] * proj[ 6] + modl[ 2] * proj[10] + modl[ 3] * proj[14];	clip[ 3] = modl[ 0] * proj[ 3] + modl[ 1] * proj[ 7] + modl[ 2] * proj[11] + modl[ 3] * proj[15];		clip[ 4] = modl[ 4] * proj[ 0] + modl[ 5] * proj[ 4] + modl[ 6] * proj[ 8] + modl[ 7] * proj[12];	clip[ 5] = modl[ 4] * proj[ 1] + modl[ 5] * proj[ 5] + modl[ 6] * proj[ 9] + modl[ 7] * proj[13];	clip[ 6] = modl[ 4] * proj[ 2] + modl[ 5] * proj[ 6] + modl[ 6] * proj[10] + modl[ 7] * proj[14];	clip[ 7] = modl[ 4] * proj[ 3] + modl[ 5] * proj[ 7] + modl[ 6] * proj[11] + modl[ 7] * proj[15];		clip[ 8] = modl[ 8] * proj[ 0] + modl[ 9] * proj[ 4] + modl[10] * proj[ 8] + modl[11] * proj[12];	clip[ 9] = modl[ 8] * proj[ 1] + modl[ 9] * proj[ 5] + modl[10] * proj[ 9] + modl[11] * proj[13];	clip[10] = modl[ 8] * proj[ 2] + modl[ 9] * proj[ 6] + modl[10] * proj[10] + modl[11] * proj[14];	clip[11] = modl[ 8] * proj[ 3] + modl[ 9] * proj[ 7] + modl[10] * proj[11] + modl[11] * proj[15];		clip[12] = modl[12] * proj[ 0] + modl[13] * proj[ 4] + modl[14] * proj[ 8] + modl[15] * proj[12];	clip[13] = modl[12] * proj[ 1] + modl[13] * proj[ 5] + modl[14] * proj[ 9] + modl[15] * proj[13];	clip[14] = modl[12] * proj[ 2] + modl[13] * proj[ 6] + modl[14] * proj[10] + modl[15] * proj[14];	clip[15] = modl[12] * proj[ 3] + modl[13] * proj[ 7] + modl[14] * proj[11] + modl[15] * proj[15];		// right plane	planes[0].a = clip[ 3] - clip[ 0];	planes[0].b = clip[ 7] - clip[ 4];	planes[0].c = clip[11] - clip[ 8];	planes[0].d = clip[15] - clip[12];	// normalize	t = sqrt( planes[0].a * planes[0].a + planes[0].b * planes[0].b + planes[0].c * planes[0].c );	planes[0].a /= t;	planes[0].b /= t;	planes[0].c /= t;	planes[0].d /= t;	// left plane	planes[1].a = clip[ 3] + clip[ 0];	planes[1].b = clip[ 7] + clip[ 4];	planes[1].c = clip[11] + clip[ 8];	planes[1].d = clip[15] + clip[12];	// normalize	t = sqrt( planes[1].a * planes[1].a + planes[1].b * planes[1].b + planes[1].c * planes[1].c );	planes[1].a /= t;	planes[1].b /= t;	planes[1].c /= t;	planes[1].d /= t;		// bottom plane	planes[2].a = clip[ 3] + clip[ 1];	planes[2].b = clip[ 7] + clip[ 5];	planes[2].c = clip[11] + clip[ 9];	planes[2].d = clip[15] + clip[13];	// normalize	t = sqrt( planes[2].a * planes[2].a + planes[2].b * planes[2].b + planes[2].c * planes[2].c );	planes[2].a /= t;	planes[2].b /= t;	planes[2].c /= t;	planes[2].d /= t;		// top plane	planes[3].a = clip[ 3] - clip[ 1];	planes[3].b = clip[ 7] - clip[ 5];	planes[3].c = clip[11] - clip[ 9];	planes[3].d = clip[15] - clip[13];	// normalize	t = sqrt( planes[3].a * planes[3].a + planes[3].b * planes[3].b + planes[3].c * planes[3].c );	planes[3].a /= t;	planes[3].b /= t;	planes[3].c /= t;	planes[3].d /= t;		// far plane	planes[4].a = clip[ 3] - clip[ 2];	planes[4].b = clip[ 7] - clip[ 6];	planes[4].c = clip[11] - clip[10];	planes[4].d = clip[15] - clip[14];	// normalize	t = sqrt( planes[4].a * planes[4].a + planes[4].b * planes[4].b + planes[4].c * planes[4].c );	planes[4].a /= t;	planes[4].b /= t;	planes[4].c /= t;	planes[4].d /= t;		// near plane	planes[5].a = clip[ 3] + clip[ 2];	planes[5].b = clip[ 7] + clip[ 6];	planes[5].c = clip[11] + clip[10];	planes[5].d = clip[15] + clip[14];	// normalize	t = sqrt( planes[5].a * planes[5].a + planes[5].b * planes[5].b + planes[5].c * planes[5].c );	planes[5].a /= t;	planes[5].b /= t;	planes[5].c /= t;	planes[5].d /= t;}
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The uncredited code posted above by Raloth was written by Mark Morley. Please show some respect and give credit where it is due.
To Raloth

I have tried it that way. It does not seem to work. It actually was not even updating the frustum values even if I called it every frame.

Thanks for the help. I''ll keep trying, I will get it right someday

The more applications I write, more I find out how less I know

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