I desperately need advise... C++ and Databases?

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11 comments, last by YipMan 19 years, 11 months ago
For one lab in my C++ class lat quarter, I had to create a music database. The data was from a plain text file, and was read in by the program and placed in memory, almost like records (database records, that is). You didn''t ahve to actually have the music files, but that was the premise for the lab - keeping track of music files. It was an interesting assignemnt, and took a fair bit of work to finish. Although I had about a month to do it.

Grant Palin
Grant Palin
Hmmm does your course happen to be 122? Taught by a grad student because if so than you and I are in the same boat , I''m having trouble reading the string in and then converting it into integers so my program can handle said integers, I''m trying to use System::IO::StreamReader, and handing that down to a System::String called RawData then I have to convert RawData to an int using RawData->ToInt32 but I need something called a IFormatProvider. Did that make any sense whatsoever if so any help converting a System::String to an int?
Int32.Parse(myString) sounds like something you could use. Although String should implement the IConvertible interface, meaning ToInt32 should be defined.

EDIT: Apparently MSDN says not to use the explicit implementation of ToInt32 and to use the Convert class instead. So System.Convert.ToInt32(myString). I'm using C# syntax BTW.

[edited by - Zipster on May 2, 2004 1:42:40 AM]

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