Lesson 1 tutorial (And probably future tutorials)

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4 comments, last by carameldelite 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi, I am new to Nehe. I want to create a game (and practice some of the c++ concepts I learned in class.) I came by something when reading the Lesson 1 tutorial. The source for the tutorial includes the header file gluax.h. If I''m not mistaken, I think that header file has been obsoleted and glut takes its place. If not, I am truely sorry for disturbing you. Carameldelite Live long and prosper... -Spok, Star Trek
CarameldeliteLive long and prosper... -Spok, Star Trek
Yes, most people here know it''s obsolete. Just move on to the newer tutorials (~tut 30+?) and you should see that gluax.h will dissapear.
glaux is not obsolete, nor does glut replace it.

glaux is a collection of helper functions, much like D3DX. Their use is not required in order to access the full functionality of OpenGL, but they are useful in many cases. Some people prefer to reimplement the functionality they need in their own code instead of using glaux''s implementations; this is up to you.

GLUT is a toolkit which exposes a set of OS-independent functions which abstract your application from the underlying OS interface. There are functions for things like creating windows, receiving input, etc. GLUT and glaux do separate things.

GLUT is mostly intended for learning; its functionality is limited. Most people use either SDL or their own code to attain OS independence.

"Sneftel is correct, if rather vulgar." --Flarelocke
Well I haven''t carefully read what the posts above say, but glaux.h is not used a lot by ''experts'' I think. I believe it has something bad about it, like performance loss or something I''m not even sure I''m just an amateur but you''ll see that NeHe drops the use after some tutorials (I think it disappears somewhere around image loading, when you learn a different way of doing this without glaux. So don''t bother, when you need to think about getting rid of it NeHe will do this for you

I think he also explains WHY to get rid of it in that same tutorial...
Sneftel, sorry to say but glaux *is* obsolete. It''s been unsupported since 1995 if I''m not mistaken, and even the developers recommend against using it.
Well I say this becuase I do have GLUT library installed and when I said glut in my previous post, I meant glut as in the header file. Anyway, I read that gluax.h _has_ been obsolete and the glut.h is used instead of it and I don''t have gluax.h file in my library, hence the reason I went searching for it.

Live long and prosper...
-Spok, Star Trek
CarameldeliteLive long and prosper... -Spok, Star Trek

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