Need help on String Compare

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1 comment, last by chanana 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi. I'm a 16, female from Boston. I really need some help on my program. I can't figure out what is wrong wtih my string compare. I'm not really good at this because I've been learning it for 11 weeks now at my internship. I guess you can say I'm a beginner and this isn't what i usually do. But I wanted to try somemthing new and get out of my box so if anyone can help me out. It will be much apperciated = ) This is just a part of the code that is not working please tell me why it isn't comparing properly. int add () { char news[60]; char last[60]; int age; int b, i; printf("Enter first name:"); scanf("%s", &news); printf("Enter last name:"); scanf("%s", &last); printf("Enter age:"); scanf("%d", &age); for(b = 0; b < 60; b++) { int result; result = strncmp( n.first, news, 30); if(result > 0) { printf("Not in Database"); } else if(result < 0) { printf("Not in Database"); } else if(result = 0) { printf("In database"); strcpy (n[n_used].first,news); strcpy (n[n_used].last,last); n[n_used].age= age; n_used++; } getche(); return 0; } [edited by - chanana on November 12, 2003 2:50:45 AM]
else if(result = 0)

Two equals are better than one.

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[edited by - Fruny on November 12, 2003 2:52:44 AM]
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Another issue is that you're doing a string compare against what looks like a character array indexed by a uninitialized variable, the n. Maybe you meant n instead?<br><br>And, not to be picky, but that entire if block can be changed. Considering that the actions taken when result is less than 0 and result is greater than 0 are the same, it might be better to change it to:<br><pre><br>if (result != 0) {<br> // stuff there<br>} else {<br> // other stuff<br>}<br> </pre> <br>Less lines of code == less lines of code to go wrong.<br><br><br>edit: What compiler are you using? Most recent C compilers would have complained about (issued a warning &#111;n) both the use of an uninitialized variable and the assignment inside an if expression. <br><br><SPAN CLASS=editedby>[edited by - SiCrane on November 12, 2003 3:55:24 AM]</SPAN>

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