More Advanced, maybe not Class problem binary file mode

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10 comments, last by justinwalsh 20 years, 5 months ago
Well, I took all of your advice and made a config file class, thats a tad more generic, not too advanced but gets the job done forwhat i want it to do. Hear is the code...

#ifndef CONFIGWRITER_H#define CONFIGWRITER_H//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////		ConfigWriter.h//		Justin Walsh 11/17/2003//		ConfigWriter  - a class to handle writing and//			reading a basic config file, stores values//			as labels, followed by an int.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////						#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <vector>#include <string>using namespace std;#define cfg_nomatch 9999struct field {	int value;	string label;};class ConfigWriter  {	private:		vector fileEntries;		char* filename;		ofstream fout;		ifstream fin;			public:		ConfigWriter(char* filename);		~ConfigWriter();		void AddEntry(string eLabel, int eValue);		int GetEntry(string searchVal);		bool write(void);		bool read(void);};#endif 

   #include "ConfigWriter.h"ConfigWriter::ConfigWriter(char *filename)  {	ConfigWriter::filename = filename;}ConfigWriter::~ConfigWriter()  {	fileEntries.clear();}bool ConfigWriter::write()  {;	if(!fout.good())	//if not good rtrn false		return false;	for(int i=0; i < fileEntries.size(); i++)  {		fout << fileEntries.label << " " << fileEntries.value << endl;<br>	}<br><br>	fout << flush;<br>	fout.close();<br><br>	return true;<br>}<br><br>bool ConfigWriter::read()  {<br>;<br>	field temp;<br><br>	if(!fin.good())<br>		return false;<br><br>	while(!fin.eof()) {<br>		fin >> temp.label;<br>		fin >> temp.value;<br>		fileEntries.push_back(temp);<br>	}<br>	fin.close();<br>	return true;<br>}<br><br>void ConfigWriter::AddEntry(string eLabel, int eValue)  {<br>	field temp;<br>	temp.label = eLabel;<br>	temp.value = eValue;<br>	fileEntries.push_back(temp);<br>}<br><br>int ConfigWriter::GetEntry(string searchVal)  {<br>	for(int i=0; i < fileEntries.size(); i++)  {<br>		if(fileEntries.label == searchVal)<br>			return fileEntries.value;<br>	}<br>	return cfg_nomatch;<br>}<br> </pre> <br><br>I know it isnt very advanced,  but again gets th job done, has readable text file.  Will probably write another class over this &#111;ne that will actually do the settings of the window etc, but give some replies as to this way of doing things.  </i>  <br><br><SPAN CLASS=editedby>[edited by - justinwalsh on November 17, 2003 2:29:19 AM]</SPAN>
Try using std::numeric_limits<int>::max() instead of nomatch.

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