two lights doesnt work

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2 comments, last by biotech 20 years, 5 months ago
strange looks something like tihs... i am initializing two lights in init routine(position and color) in my drawing routine just after my rotates for mouse movements i update lights position just to rotate with everything else in the scene but one light is working and another is not...i must say that i did exactly the same with both lights and it seems that one is working properly and the other one is what''s tha catch?
It should, you can have up to 8 (if i remember correctly) lights at a time.

Post some init code, and what you do with the lights after the glLookat.
Only the first light has default diffuse color (1,1,1,1)
Others are black (0,0,0,1).

Try using glLight(GL_LIGHT0 + 1, GL_DIFFUSE, ...) and give it a color like (1,1,1,1)

[edited by - baskuenen on November 15, 2003 10:14:38 PM]
i didnt know all that stuff,now it should work...

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