Brief ? on Direct Input

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1 comment, last by WebsiteWill 20 years, 4 months ago
With immediate data I get the current state of all the keys AT the time of the call. But with buffered data what exactly is happening? Say every frame I get the data. Is that ALL of the data that has been entered over the last frame? So if I press down ALT+SHIFT+E+R then the data would contain press messages for all 4 of those? Then I release all 4 and that data would be sent as well? I think I understand how it works but not exactly sure I am correct. Based on this, as long as the user isn''t fast enough (or my app slow enough) to press a key up and down multiple times a frame then I will get all the keypresses correct? Also, the buffer size. How large should it be? Do I need it large enough to hold one state for every possible key? Or just large enough to hold the maximum amount of input the game would allow (ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+LETTER) or whatever. Finally, for mouse movement, how is this buffered? It''s polled once per frame so if it''s moving then the buffered data will show mouse_move_on_axis? Or is the movement accumulated in some different manner? Thanks for any clarification, Webby
Could someone look at this and see if there is a problem?
Everything prefixed with m_ is a private member of the class
wrapping this input.
lpdi->CreateDevice(GUID_SysMouse, &m_mouse, NULL);m_mouse->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse2);m_mouse->SetCooperativeLevel(g_cApp.GethWnd(), DISCL_BACKGROUND                              |DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE);m_mouse->Acquire();GetMouseMappingFromFile();	// the headerm_dipdw.diph.dwSize       = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD);m_dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER);m_dipdw.diph.dwObj        = 0;m_dipdw.diph.dwHow        = DIPH_DEVICE;// the datam_dipdw.dwData            = 16;m_mouse->SetProperty(DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &m_dipdw.diph);

void cInputManager::ReadMouseBuffered(){HRESULT hr;m_dwElements = 16;if(!m_mouse){	//We don''t have a mouse object	return;}// query DirectInput for newest mouse data hr = m_mouse->GetDeviceData(sizeof(m_od[0]), m_od,	                    &m_dwElements, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { 	while (hr == DIERR_INPUTLOST ||                hr == DIERR_NOTACQUIRED) 	{ 		// device lost... reacquire 		hr = m_mouse->Acquire(); 	} } 			//If some mouse input has occurredif (m_dwElements != 0) {	/* View the element to see what occurred */	for(int i=0; i<16; i++)	{		switch (m_od[i].dwOfs) 		{  		        // Mouse horizontal motion			case DIMOFS_X: 			   m_relPosition.x = m_od[i].dwData;			   m_absPosition.x += m_od[i].dwData;			   char text[20];			   _itoa(m_absPosition.x, text, 10);			   //MessageBox(g_cApp.GethWnd(),                                        "MOUSE", text, MB_OK);			   break;			// Mouse vertical motion			case DIMOFS_Y:			    m_relPosition.y = m_od[i].dwData;			    m_absPosition.y += m_od[i].dwData;			    break; 		        // Mouse distance motion			case DIMOFS_Z:			    m_relPosition.z = m_od[i].dwData;    			    m_absPosition.z += m_od[i].dwData;			    break;							// DIMOFS_BUTTON0: Right button pressed 			case DIMOFS_BUTTON0:			    m_iLeftButton = m_od[i].dwData;			    MessageBox(g_cApp.GethWnd(),"MOUSE",                                       "RIGHT_CLICK",MB_OK);			    break;			// DIMOFS_BUTTON1: Left button pressed 			case DIMOFS_BUTTON1:			    m_iRightButton = m_od[i].dwData;			    break;			// DIMOFS_BUTTON2: Middle button 				case DIMOFS_BUTTON2:			    m_iMiddleButton = m_od[i].dwData;			    break;			case DIMOFS_BUTTON3:			case DIMOFS_BUTTON4:			case DIMOFS_BUTTON5:			case DIMOFS_BUTTON6:			case DIMOFS_BUTTON7:			    MessageBox(g_cApp.GethWnd(), "SOME                                 BUTTON", "SOME BUTTON", MB_OK);			break;		}	}}}

In the above switch statement case DIMOFS_X: will always trigger
its MessageBox 16 times a frame every frame (16 is the size of my data buffer).
However, I comment it out and the program runs fine except that no mouse clicks seem to be gettign registered. Neither of the other two message boxes are firing...

Thanks for taking a look,
It appears that setProperty was unAcquiring my device. Moved the call to Acquire to after the call to set property and all is well.


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