Continued rotation, based on mouse position

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2 comments, last by _untitled 20 years, 4 months ago
I've been trying for days to rotate a cube based on the mouse position just like this one: I can't get it to do a full 360, it just kinda wiggles... I think i have the formula right, but I believe I'm missing something. Formula(?) y1 = oldY * cos(newX) + oldZ * sin(newX) z1 = oldY * -sin(newX) + oldZ * cos(newX) x1 = oldX * cos(newY) + z1 * -sin(newY) z2 = oldX * sin(newX) + z1 * cos(newY) x2 = x1 * cos(-newX) + y1 * sin(-newX) y2 = x1 * -sin(-newX) + y1 * cos(-newX) I'm rendering the cube on a 500x500 form, with the mouse relative to the center. I scaled the mouse position by 1000, so the min/max value is -/+ 0.25. I know I have to track the angle, and update it based on the mouse position, but after looking at the forums and googling I'm still confused.. heres my current code:


public float mousePosX = .25f;
public float mousePosY = .25f;
public float oldPosX = .25f;
public float oldPosY = .25f;
public float oldPosZ = .25f;

public void UpdateMatrices()
	//Rotate the cube, based on the mouse location

	if (oldPosX == 0) 			//Testing

		oldPosX = mousePosX;
		oldPosY = mousePosY;
		oldPosZ = -mousePosX;

	float y1 = (float) (oldPosY * Math.Cos((double) mousePosX) + oldPosZ * Math.Sin((double) mousePosX));
	float z1 = (float) (oldPosY * -Math.Sin((double) mousePosX) + oldPosZ * Math.Cos((double) mousePosX));
	float x1 = (float) (oldPosX * Math.Cos((double) mousePosY) + z1 * -Math.Sin((double) mousePosY));
	float z2 = (float) (oldPosX * Math.Sin((double) mousePosY) + z1 * Math.Cos((double) mousePosY));
	float x2 = (float) (x1 * Math.Cos((double) -mousePosX) + y1 * Math.Sin((double) -mousePosX));
	float y2 = (float) (x1 * -Math.Sin((double) -mousePosX) + y1 * Math.Cos((double) -mousePosX));

	oldPosX = x2;
	oldPosY = y2;
	oldPosZ = z2;

	device.Transform.World = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(x2,y2,-x2);

	device.Transform.View = Matrix.LookAtLH( new Vector3( 0.0f, 3.0f,-5.0f ), new Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) );
	device.Transform.Projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH( (float)Math.PI / 4, 1.0f, 1.0f, 100.0f );

Its C#, but should be easy to understand. [edited by - _untitled on November 30, 2003 7:05:45 PM]
quote:Its C#, but should be easy to understand.

What makes you think we wouldn''t be able to understand C#?!

hehe.. didn''t mean it like that
Nevermind, I figured it out.. common sense :S
angleX += mouseX * 0.0002f;angleY += (mouseY)* 0.0002f ;	if (angleX >= 360)	angleX = 0;if (angleY >= 360)	angleY = 0;matX.RotateX(angleX);matY.RotateY(angleY);device.Transform.World = Matrix.Multiply(matY,matX);

[edited by - _untitled on December 2, 2003 9:37:57 PM]

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