Worth writing an engine with wxWindows?

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6 comments, last by Newfound Ajarn 20 years, 3 months ago
I''ve been looking into wxWindows, and it seems to be a good idea to write me engine with it as base code, you know, for cross-platform support. But, then I would have to rewrite a lot of my code to work with their API. Also, what if i want to port to the XBox or the PS2? Would I then have to re-write my engine again? I''m just wondering if it is worth all the hasle to rewrite my base code to work with weWindows.
VLAjarn: Cause it (linux) NEVER crashesMrPr0Grmer: lol ur wrongMrPr0Grmer: RedHat crashesVLAjarn: I'm saying good builds of linux
wxWindows is just a GUI library though...

I can use the wxWindow class for DirectX (on windows) and the linux version of HWND for OpenGL. It also has threading and networking too, it's not just a gui librabry, it's my way of making my engine platform (and API) independant. Look up XEngine, it used the same method. I'm still unsure if I'm going to use it or not though.

[edited by - Newfound Ajarn on January 6, 2004 2:51:43 AM]
VLAjarn: Cause it (linux) NEVER crashesMrPr0Grmer: lol ur wrongMrPr0Grmer: RedHat crashesVLAjarn: I'm saying good builds of linux
Most consoles are a pain in the neck to port to, since they use their own set of libraries etc. So the general rule is just to combine(encapsulate) all the OS specific functionality and put it in one place which makes it easier to rip apart later on. You''re going to have to have the same issue with XBox later on if you''re not just going to be using win32 with DirectX if you take the wxWindows route so I suggest you keep the same philosophy as above and just encapsulate all that functionality in well seperated and defined spots.
I wouldn''t count on porting your game/engine to any next generation consoles, simply because of the impossibility of getting completely supported tools.

MindEngine Development
I wouldn''t. There are several open source, cross platform libraries out there that are designed with games in mind. SDL, SLD-net, HawkNL, for example. wxWindows would be a good choice for a crossplatform editor, but IMO it''s a waste of space considering how little of it you''ll actually be using. And, I wouldn''t rely on the networking features of wxWindows for games.
Thanks for the replies. I think I won''t use it after all. What I should do is make my own wrapper for OS stuff and link to it on build, this way, like some said, I can change it for any new platform I want the game engine to work on.
VLAjarn: Cause it (linux) NEVER crashesMrPr0Grmer: lol ur wrongMrPr0Grmer: RedHat crashesVLAjarn: I'm saying good builds of linux
SDL and wxWindows are two different beasts. The former is a minimal library for setting up a window, reading events, and blitting. The latter is a full-blown GUI library.

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