propulsion systems????

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14 comments, last by PyroniaWatches 20 years, 3 months ago
im trying to do a spaces ship game, but cant figure out how to work the propulsion systems. like, i cant really explain, you could go to and take a look at Real Space Two. thats the kind of propulsion system i want to do. so...any help...appreciated. MUCHAS GRACIAS
Ok, so what are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to simulate the physics of propulsion or are you trying to create a particle system like the one in that game? More info please.
He can''t really explain it.

MindEngine Development
alrighty, if by particle engine you mean detecting the angle that the ship is facing and thrusting in that direction when the user hits a key, then yes. if you mean the fire particles that come out the back of the little ship then no. all i want to do is basicall simulate the way a car steers in one direction and then accelerates in that direction. MUCHAS GRACIAS
quote:Original post by PyroniaWatches
...all i want to do is basicall simulate the way a car steers in one direction and then accelerates in that direction. MUCHAS GRACIAS

Maybe you should use a 2d vector. When the user presses a direction key you just rotate the vector. For going forward add the vector to the ships position to get the new position

Ok, I've tried the game, so I'll now try to explain how the movement works.

The first thing is momentum. When you apply thrust the ship accelerates. The ship continues to move even after the thrust has been let off because it has a certain momentum.

Keeping track of this is easy:

int shipXVelocity;
int shipYVelocity;

These two variables will determine what direction the ship is moving in even when there is no thrust.

shipX = shipX + shipXVelocity;
shipY = shipY + shipYVelocity;

This is all fine and good, but we need a way to CHANGE the ships velocity, i.e. apply thrust.

If this game were a side scroller, thrust would be easy. When ever the player hits left:

shipXVelocity = shipXVelocty - THRUST_CONSTANT

and for right:

shipXVelocity = shipXVeloctiy + THRUST_CONSTANT

The same principle holds true for moving up and down. THRUST_CONSTANT is just some number you decide upon, and this will determine how quickly the ship will accelerate.

One thing you might have noticed from Real Space two is that your ship will eventually come to a stop after you have let off the thrust-- as if there was some force dragging on our ship. To simulate this dragging effect lets go the simple route.

if ( shipXVelocity > 0) shipXVelocity = shipXVelocity - DRAG_CONSTANT
if ( shipXVelocity < 0) shipXVelocity = shipXVelocity + DRAG_CONSTANT

What happenes here is that we steal some of the energy causing our ship to move forward. DRAG_CONSTANT is just a number you define, and it will determine how much force acts against our ship. Be carefule not to make DRAG_CONSTANT higher than THRUST_CONSTANT, otherwise our ship will never be able to get moving.

You would extend the sample above to work on shipYVelocity as well. From here on out I'll ignore shipYVelocity (except where essential).

The next problem we need to solve is how to let the pilot of the ship turn in any direction, and apply thrust in that direction. This will require a wee bit of math, and a change to how we modify shipXVelocity.

The first thing we need to do is keep track of which direction the player is facing.

float shipAngle;

Everytime the player hits left, or right, shipAngle will change accordingly.

Now we need a way to convert the ship angle in to some type of force when thrust is applied. We need to keep track of two things here:

float shipXThrust;
float shipYThrust;

And then set them to something useful (here comes the math)

float raidanAngle

radianAngle = shipAngle * ( 180 / 3.14159);

shipXThrust = THRUST_CONSTANT * cos ( radianAngle);
shipYThrust = THRUST_CONSTANT * sin ( radianAngle);

The first thing we did here was convert our ships angle from degrees to radians. We had to do this because the trig functions SINe and COSine want to play in radians.

The next thing we did was to convert the angle (in radians) in to some measure of horizontal and vertical force. Imaginge a right-angled triangle. The hypontenus (longest side) of the triangle is the direction and amount (length) of THRUST we've applied. The sides of the triangle are the vertical and horizontal components of that same force.

So now that we have shipXThrust and shipYThrust we can apply it to the ships velocity.

shipXVelocity = shipXVelocity + shipXThrust;
(do the same for Y)

That's all there is to it. Your space ship can fly around in space with his own momentum.

Hope this has helped,

P.S. This code was for illustrative purposes only. I don't gaurantee it will work.

[edited by - RPGeezus on January 9, 2004 1:25:41 PM]
Great Post RPGeezus!
WyrmSlayer RPG - In Early Development
Thanks Radagar.

------------------ is the code i put into my pre-game. im trying it with a block first. i know how to do rotating animation. i did the things you said to do (except for the friction/drag thing). yet it still doesn''t work. the red block comes up, u press up and it accelerates downwards but if you hold it it goes at a crazy angle, sort of like spinning of. thanks for all your help so it comes:

#include <windows.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "trythis.h"

#define WIN_WID 1024
#define WIN_HGT 768

bool started = FALSE;

#define KEYDOWN(vk_code) ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code) & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0)
#define KEYUP(vk_code) ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code) & 0x8000) ? 0 : 1)

#define IMG_WID 64 // Width of our image
#define IMG_HGT 64 // Height of our image

#define class_name "Carlos can do it"

#define DOUBLE_BUFFER 1 // Change this to zero to view the app without double buffering

// This is the struct that will hold all of our double buffering info
struct SDBuffer
HWND win_hwnd; // A copy of the window handle

HDC win_dc; // This is the window''s HDC
HDC back_dc; // This is the HDC to the back buffer we''re gonna make

RECT rect; // This will hold the client RECT of our window

HBITMAP back_bmp; // This is the HBITMAP that we''ll fill with an exact copy of
// our window''s HBITMAP (pixels)

HBITMAP old_bmp; // We need this guy around so we can totally free up memory when it''s
// all said and done

// Globals ***

int xPos = 0; // This will hold the upper left hand x-coord of the mouse
int yPos = 0; // This will hold the upper left hand y-ccord of the mouse

// *** End of Globals

// This will set up our double buffering. We return true on success, false on failure
bool InitDoubleBuffer(SDBuffer &doubleBuff);

// This funciton will free up all the memory associated with our double buffer
void FreeDoubleBuffer(SDBuffer &doubleBuff);

// Locks the frame rate at the passed in frame rate (60 FPS by default)
bool LockFrameRate(int frame_rate = 60);

// Standard callback function
LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance, HINSTANCE hprev, PSTR cmdline, int ishow)
HWND hwnd;
MSG msg;
WNDCLASSEX wndclassex = {0};

SDBuffer doubleBuff = {0}; // This is our "double buffer" struct

// Fill the fields we care about
wndclassex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
wndclassex.lpfnWndProc = WinProc;
wndclassex.hInstance = hinstance;
wndclassex.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
wndclassex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
wndclassex.lpszClassName = class_name;

RegisterClassEx(&wndclassex); // Register the window

hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL, // No extra window attributes
"attempt at huge map",
0, // Window will receive a default x pos on screen
0, // Window will receive a default y pos on screen

// Error check
return EXIT_FAILURE; // Something really bad happened!

doubleBuff.win_hwnd = hwnd; // Set the HWND of our double buffer struct

// Attempt to initialize our double buffering
return EXIT_FAILURE; // Couldn''t set up double buffering

// Here we''ll load up our bitmap
// Create a compatible HDC so that we can draw our "img_bmp"
HDC img_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(doubleBuff.win_dc);


// Select our "img_bmp" into the "img_dc"
ShowWindow(hwnd, ishow);

HBITMAP old_bmp = NULL;

// Check message(s) if there are any
if(msg.message == WM_QUIT)

else if(LockFrameRate())
player.x += player.x_vel;
player.y += player.y_vel;

if(started == FALSE)
started = TRUE;

#if DOUBLE_BUFFER // If we are using double buffering

// First we fill our back buffer to solid white (the same color as the
// background color of our window)

// Next we''ll draw the bitmap to our back buffer
old_bmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(img_dc,player_bmp);

// Then we draw the back buffer to the front buffer (our window)

#else // No double buffering in use

// We fill our window with solid white so we can clear away the "old"
// position of the image

// Blit the image to the window
BitBlt(doubleBuff.win_dc,xPos,yPos,xPos + IMG_WID,
yPos + IMG_HGT,img_dc,0,0,SRCCOPY);

// **NOTE** Do not be mislead by the use of the "doubleBuff" variable.
// We are ONLY using this to access the window''s HDC. Absolutely
// no double buffering goes on in the between the #else and the
// #endif. Be sure to look at how worse it looks without double
// buffering.



// Free up our image memory

// Free up all the memory associated with our back buffer

UnregisterClass(class_name,hinstance); // Free up WNDCLASSEX
return msg.wParam;

// The WinProc
LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)


// Depending on the message -- we''ll do different stuff
case WM_PAINT:

return 0;

// Message we get when the mouse moves

xPos = LOWORD(lparam); // X position of cursor
yPos = HIWORD(lparam); // Y position of cursor
return 0;

case WM_CLOSE:

return 0;

} // end of switch(message)

return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wparam, lparam);

// Here will create/initialize our double buffer
// Return true on success, false on failure
bool InitDoubleBuffer(SDBuffer &doubleBuff)
// Error Check
return false; // Not a valid window HWND

// First and foremost we are going to get and store off the CLIENT RECT of our
// window. The client area (client rect) is the portion of a window where the
// application displays output, such as text, graphics, etc, etc
GetClientRect(doubleBuff.win_hwnd,&doubleBuff.rect); // Get the client RECT

// The next thing we are going to do is store off the window''s
// HDC. Remember you can think of the HDC as a way to "talk to" all of the
// pixels that make up the window.
doubleBuff.win_dc = GetDC(doubleBuff.win_hwnd); // Get the window''s HDC

// Error Check
if(doubleBuff.win_dc == NULL)
return false;

// Okay we have the window''s HDC. What we want to do is create a replicable
// in memory of the window''s pixels that we are able to draw to. So that
// means we''ll need a HDC that can interface (is compatible to) the window''s
// HDC. Thus we create a compatible HDC
doubleBuff.back_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(doubleBuff.win_dc);

// Error Check
if(doubleBuff.back_dc == NULL)
return false;

// So now we have a means to talk to our back buffer, but we DO NOT have
// the buffer (the set aside memory that will hold the pixel information).
// No worries, we''ll just create a compatible bitmap the SAME size as
// our window''s client area
doubleBuff.back_bmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(doubleBuff.win_dc,

// Error Check
if(doubleBuff.back_bmp == NULL)
return false;

// If we get here that means we were successful in creating a "buffer" that
// mimics the windows front buffer. But before we can draw to our newly
// created buffer, we have to tell the "back buffer''s HDC" that it is
// associated with (or in charge of) the "back buffer''s HBITMAP -- Thus we
// select the created back buffer into our back buffer''s device context
doubleBuff.old_bmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(doubleBuff.back_dc,doubleBuff.back_bmp);

// **NOTE** remember we save off the return from SelectObject() so we can FULLY
// free up memory before we close the application

return true; // We be buff

// This function will free up all the memory we allocated
void FreeDoubleBuffer(SDBuffer &doubleBuff)
// Error Check

if(doubleBuff.old_bmp) // If we have a double buffer
// Select back the original "bitmap"

// Free up memory

if(doubleBuff.win_dc) // If we have the window''s device context
// Relese the device context

// Set everything to zero

// Locks the frame rate at "frame_rate"
// Returns true when it''s okay to draw, false otherwise
bool LockFrameRate(int frame_rate)
static float lastTime = 0.0f;

// Get current time in seconds (milliseconds * .001 = seconds)
float currentTime = GetTickCount() * 0.001f;

// Get the elapsed time by subtracting the current time from the last time
// If the desired frame rate amount of seconds has passed -- return true (ie Blit())
if((currentTime - lastTime) > (1.0f / frame_rate))
// Reset the last time
lastTime = currentTime;
return true;

return false;

void game_init()
player.x = 200;
player.y = 200;
player.shipAngle = 360;
player.x_acc = 0;
player.y_acc = 0;
player.y_vel = 0;
player.x_vel = 0;

void key()

player.shipAngle += .75;

player.shipAngle -= .75;

float radianAngle;

radianAngle = player.shipAngle * (180/3.14159);

player.x_acc = cos(radianAngle);
player.y_acc = sin(radianAngle);

player.x_vel += player.x_acc;
player.y_vel += player.y_acc;

if(player.x_vel > 0) player.x_vel -= 5;
if(player.x_vel < 0) player.x_vel += 5;

if(player.y_vel > 0) player.y_vel -= 5;
if(player.y_vel < 0) player.y_vel += 5;
Next time....

#include <windows.h>#include <math.h>#include "trythis.h"#define WIN_WID 1024#define WIN_HGT 768bool started = FALSE;#define KEYDOWN(vk_code) ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code) & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0)#define KEYUP(vk_code) ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code) & 0x8000) ? 0 : 1)#define IMG_WID 64 // Width of our image#define IMG_HGT 64 // Height of our image#define class_name "Carlos can do it"#define DOUBLE_BUFFER 1 // Change this to zero to view the app without double buffering// This is the struct that will hold all of our double buffering infostruct SDBuffer{HWND win_hwnd; // A copy of the window handleHDC win_dc; // This is the window''s HDCHDC back_dc; // This is the HDC to the back buffer we''re gonna makeRECT rect; // This will hold the client RECT of our windowHBITMAP back_bmp; // This is the HBITMAP that we''ll fill with an exact copy of// our window''s HBITMAP (pixels)HBITMAP old_bmp; // We need this guy around so we can totally free up memory when it''s// all said and done};// Globals ***int xPos = 0; // This will hold the upper left hand x-coord of the mouseint yPos = 0; // This will hold the upper left hand y-ccord of the mouse// *** End of Globals// This will set up our double buffering. We return true on success, false on failurebool InitDoubleBuffer(SDBuffer &doubleBuff);// This funciton will free up all the memory associated with our double buffervoid FreeDoubleBuffer(SDBuffer &doubleBuff);// Locks the frame rate at the passed in frame rate (60 FPS by default)bool LockFrameRate(int frame_rate = 60);// Standard callback functionLRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance, HINSTANCE hprev, PSTR cmdline, int ishow){HWND hwnd;MSG msg;WNDCLASSEX wndclassex = {0};SDBuffer doubleBuff = {0}; // This is our "double buffer" struct// Fill the fields we care aboutwndclassex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;wndclassex.lpfnWndProc = WinProc;wndclassex.hInstance = hinstance;wndclassex.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);wndclassex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);wndclassex.lpszClassName = class_name;RegisterClassEx(&wndclassex); // Register the windowhwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL, // No extra window attributesclass_name,"attempt at huge map",WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP,0, // Window will receive a default x pos on screen0, // Window will receive a default y pos on screenWIN_WID,WIN_HGT,NULL,NULL,hinstance,NULL);// Error checkif(!hwnd){UnregisterClass(class_name,hinstance);return EXIT_FAILURE; // Something really bad happened!}doubleBuff.win_hwnd = hwnd; // Set the HWND of our double buffer struct// Attempt to initialize our double bufferingif(!InitDoubleBuffer(doubleBuff)){UnregisterClass(class_name,hinstance);return EXIT_FAILURE; // Couldn''t set up double buffering}// Here we''ll load up our bitmap// Create a compatible HDC so that we can draw our "img_bmp"HDC img_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(doubleBuff.win_dc);if(!img_dc){UnregisterClass(class_name,hinstance);return EXIT_FAILURE;}// Select our "img_bmp" into the "img_dc"ShowWindow(hwnd, ishow);UpdateWindow(hwnd);HBITMAP old_bmp = NULL;while(1){// Check message(s) if there are anyif(PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE)){if(msg.message == WM_QUIT)break;TranslateMessage(&msg);DispatchMessage(&msg);}else if(LockFrameRate()){player.x += player.x_vel;player.y += player.y_vel;if(started == FALSE){game_init();started = TRUE;}#if DOUBLE_BUFFER // If we are using double buffering// First we fill our back buffer to solid white (the same color as the// background color of our window)FillRect(doubleBuff.back_dc,&doubleBuff.rect,(HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));// Next we''ll draw the bitmap to our back bufferold_bmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(img_dc,player_bmp);BitBlt(doubleBuff.back_dc,player.x,player.y,64,64,img_dc,0,0,SRCCOPY);// Then we draw the back buffer to the front buffer (our window)BitBlt(doubleBuff.win_dc,0,0,doubleBuff.rect.right,doubleBuff.rect.bottom,doubleBuff.back_dc,0,0,SRCCOPY);#else // No double buffering in use// We fill our window with solid white so we can clear away the "old"// position of the imageFillRect(doubleBuff.win_dc,&doubleBuff.rect,(HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));// Blit the image to the windowBitBlt(doubleBuff.win_dc,xPos,yPos,xPos + IMG_WID,yPos + IMG_HGT,img_dc,0,0,SRCCOPY);// **NOTE** Do not be mislead by the use of the "doubleBuff" variable.// We are ONLY using this to access the window''s HDC. Absolutely// no double buffering goes on in the between the #else and the// #endif. Be sure to look at how worse it looks without double// buffering.#endif}}// Free up our image memorySelectObject(img_dc,old_bmp);DeleteDC(img_dc);// Free up all the memory associated with our back bufferFreeDoubleBuffer(doubleBuff);UnregisterClass(class_name,hinstance); // Free up WNDCLASSEXreturn msg.wParam;}// The WinProcLRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam){key();PAINTSTRUCT ps;// Depending on the message -- we''ll do different stuffswitch(message){case WM_PAINT:BeginPaint(hwnd,&ps);EndPaint(hwnd,&ps);return 0;// Message we get when the mouse movescase WM_MOUSEMOVE:xPos = LOWORD(lparam); // X position of cursoryPos = HIWORD(lparam); // Y position of cursorreturn 0;case WM_DESTROY:case WM_CLOSE:PostQuitMessage(0);return 0;} // end of switch(message)return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wparam, lparam);}// Here will create/initialize our double buffer// Return true on success, false on failurebool InitDoubleBuffer(SDBuffer &doubleBuff){// Error Checkif(!doubleBuff.win_hwnd)return false; // Not a valid window HWND// First and foremost we are going to get and store off the CLIENT RECT of our// window. The client area (client rect) is the portion of a window where the// application displays output, such as text, graphics, etc, etcGetClientRect(doubleBuff.win_hwnd,&doubleBuff.rect); // Get the client RECT// The next thing we are going to do is store off the window''s// HDC. Remember you can think of the HDC as a way to "talk to" all of the// pixels that make up the window.doubleBuff.win_dc = GetDC(doubleBuff.win_hwnd); // Get the window''s HDC// Error Checkif(doubleBuff.win_dc == NULL)return false;// Okay we have the window''s HDC. What we want to do is create a replicable// in memory of the window''s pixels that we are able to draw to. So that// means we''ll need a HDC that can interface (is compatible to) the window''s// HDC. Thus we create a compatible HDCdoubleBuff.back_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(doubleBuff.win_dc);// Error Checkif(doubleBuff.back_dc == NULL)return false;// So now we have a means to talk to our back buffer, but we DO NOT have// the buffer (the set aside memory that will hold the pixel information).// No worries, we''ll just create a compatible bitmap the SAME size as// our window''s client areadoubleBuff.back_bmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(doubleBuff.win_dc,doubleBuff.rect.right,doubleBuff.rect.bottom);// Error Checkif(doubleBuff.back_bmp == NULL)return false;// If we get here that means we were successful in creating a "buffer" that// mimics the windows front buffer. But before we can draw to our newly// created buffer, we have to tell the "back buffer''s HDC" that it is// associated with (or in charge of) the "back buffer''s HBITMAP -- Thus we// select the created back buffer into our back buffer''s device contextdoubleBuff.old_bmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(doubleBuff.back_dc,doubleBuff.back_bmp);// **NOTE** remember we save off the return from SelectObject() so we can FULLY// free up memory before we close the applicationreturn true; // We be buff}// This function will free up all the memory we allocatedvoid FreeDoubleBuffer(SDBuffer &doubleBuff){// Error Checkif(!doubleBuff.win_hwnd)return;if(doubleBuff.old_bmp) // If we have a double buffer{// Select back the original "bitmap"SelectObject(doubleBuff.back_dc,doubleBuff.old_bmp);// Free up memoryDeleteObject(doubleBuff.back_bmp);DeleteDC(doubleBuff.back_dc);}if(doubleBuff.win_dc) // If we have the window''s device context{// Relese the device contextReleaseDC(doubleBuff.win_hwnd,doubleBuff.win_dc);}// Set everything to zeromemset(&doubleBuff,0,sizeof(SDBuffer));}// Locks the frame rate at "frame_rate"// Returns true when it''s okay to draw, false otherwisebool LockFrameRate(int frame_rate){static float lastTime = 0.0f;// Get current time in seconds (milliseconds * .001 = seconds)float currentTime = GetTickCount() * 0.001f;// Get the elapsed time by subtracting the current time from the last time// If the desired frame rate amount of seconds has passed -- return true (ie Blit())if((currentTime - lastTime) > (1.0f / frame_rate)){// Reset the last timelastTime = currentTime;return true;}return false;}void game_init(){player.x = 200;player.y = 200;player.shipAngle = 360;player.x_acc = 0;player.y_acc = 0;player.y_vel = 0;player.x_vel = 0;}void key(){if(KEYDOWN(VK_ESCAPE)){PostQuitMessage(0);}if(KEYDOWN(VK_LEFT)){player.shipAngle += .75;}if(KEYDOWN(VK_RIGHT)){player.shipAngle -= .75;}if(KEYDOWN(VK_UP)){float radianAngle;radianAngle = player.shipAngle * (180/3.14159);player.x_acc = cos(radianAngle);player.y_acc = sin(radianAngle);player.x_vel += player.x_acc;player.y_vel += player.y_acc;}if(player.x_vel > 0) player.x_vel -= 5;if(player.x_vel < 0) player.x_vel += 5;if(player.y_vel > 0) player.y_vel -= 5;if(player.y_vel < 0) player.y_vel += 5;}

BTW whose code did you copy?
Quote:Michael TanczosCut that shit out. You shouldn't be spying on other people.. especially your parents. If your dad wanted to look at horses having sex with transexual eskimo midgets, that's his business and not yours.

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