Levitating objects.

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6 comments, last by Andos 20 years, 3 months ago
Ok this is not about games but it''s something i found on the internet I found interesting. It about making water and other substances levitate in a special eletromagnetic field: http://www.hfml.kun.nl/levitate.html There are some movies of the levitating objects here (including living frogs and strawberries): http://www.hfml.kun.nl/levitation-movies.html Do you belive in this stuff and does the math explained there even make any sense?
I read in Wired magazine a couple months ago about this actual levitating glider thingy; it involved running an incredible amount of electricity through a cardboard frame wrapped in aluminum foil.
The lifter thing you describe, psyker, works pretty much like a helicopter. It stays up because it blows air down. It works like the ''Ionic Breeze'' air purifier: It negatively charges particles in the air, which are drawn towards a positively charged grid. When the particles reach the positive grid, they are neutralized, giving their negative charge to the positive grid and completinig the circuit, but by this time they still have momentum (and they have also accelerated the neutral air molecules around them through friction and by bumping into them), so they keep moving down.

This is something different from what is described in the articles you linked to, Andos. Your examples simply use diamagnetism. You know things like iron are attracted to magnets; they are paramagnetic. But most things are weakly diamagnetic. Put them next to a strong enough magnetic field and they will experience a force away from the magnet. If this force is upward, and is equal to the force of gravity, then the object will just sit there in midair, stationary.

So, sure, I believe it. It''s not a hoax. Its just not terribly useful! The lifters I talk about are too weak to even lift their own power supplies (a cord dangles down), and the paramagnetic stuff requires really, really strong magnetic fields, which require either huge power supplies (due to resistance losses in wires) or superconductors (which must be kept insanely cold).

This technology has been around for a long time, and its a little interesting, but none of it is going to find its way into a hoverboard any time soon. :-)
the grog must have its brain fried. not that it matters really...

Everything is better with Metal.

"Fried brain grog?" Sounds like a pirate drink...
I was in this physics store a couple of days ago (shopping for my physics ISP), and they had this really cool thing. Basically, it was a levitating object that would spin for hours on end. It was floating in air due to magnets, and was really cool. Only thing was it was touching a side at all times. Without that, it wouldn''t be able to levitate. But still, 100% of its weight was supported by magnets, the side was there to just keep it in place.

We had a physics test last month where we had to study electrostatic (condensator-based), electromagnetic (laser-based) and magnetic (magnet-based) levitating objects. Then, the following week our teacher brought us the magnetic one (because it''s the one that works the best).

The math & physics behind this stuff is correct (heck, I even ended 5th on that test!) and to see a spinning magnet floating six-seven inches above a magnetic device is enough to destroy any doubts. (Yes, we could pass our hands above and below it looking for tricks, and when passing a metallic object between the magnet and the device the effect disappeared).

So making water fly is a reality
Wow... ;P Wonder where this could go someday. And would the frogs brain fry if it was floating there?

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