a GLUT question

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2 comments, last by n0t_l33t 23 years, 9 months ago
I have a project in a class that requires us to use GLUT in windows. The problem I am having is that to render a scene in GLUT, you must send it a void funtion. Unfortantly, it won''t accept the void function from my object class. Can I make GLUT take my class function? Is there anything I can do, besides making the object global and then writing a global function to render my scene? Also, it requires us to use a menu to add vertexs, etc. How can I set GLUT up to handle all of this. I''ve read though the manuals, what I really need is just some examples of how to make it work.
Why not just create a generic void Draw(void) function and then use that function to call the member functions of your object to get the information you need to render? Thats what I normally do...

Nate Miller
That is what i did, but it requires a global object (at least from the way i am thinking of it), and i''m trying to stay away from global variables.

in a nutshell this is what i have.

class Obj {
public: ...

void Obj:SetUpVerticies() {
for each vertex .
glVertex2d(x, y)}

void Draw() {

Obj VarName;


is there a better way to do this, using classes and glut, or is this what i am stuck doing?
i use a single global class

    Game game;voif Game::draw(){ .....}Draw(){  game.draw();}main(){..glutRenderScene(Draw);...}    

theres heaps of examples on how to set up popup menus in examples folder included with glut

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