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1 comment, last by extralongpants 20 years, 3 months ago
When I insert the following code: typedef void (APIENTRY * PFNGLBUFFERSUBDATAARBPROC) (GLenum target, GLintptrARB, GLsizeiptrARB, const GLvoid *); I get an error saying GLintptrARB is unidentified. Is there something else I need to include, besides glext.h, or anything I need to define? Thanks for any help.
If you''ve included glext.h then GLintptrARB should be declared. If it''s not, you must be doing something badly wrong. | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

I fixed it. Turns out I was including another (older) glext file, in one of my older files in the project. For some reason it created a conflict and it didn''t compile the GLintptrARB stuff. Mabye while including the old file, it defined some things that enabled the compiler to skip over some things in the newer file. Oh well, problem solved.

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