member Constructors after class Constructor?

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7 comments, last by Yratelev 20 years, 2 months ago
Hi I want to know how to initialize a member constructor AFTER the base class has been constructed. eg; class A { A(); } class B { A B(); } A::A() { //need something from parent B here } B::B() :A() <- this initizializes before B is constructed { } :A() <- this is wot i want, but its illegal syntax Anyone know? cheers Stu
You can''t do that. C++ requires that all an object''s member objects be completely constructed before the constructor for the object is called. The best you can do is use an assignment operator or some other member function on the member object inside the parent object''s constructor.
you can give A an init function that takes a pointer to B

A::Init( B* b )
// Do stuff here instead of in constructor. Maybe make it a
// friend to access private B members directly...

then in B''s constructorclass B{    A m_a;    B()    {        m_a->init( this );    }};

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Easy: empty the member's default constructor, then in the encapsulating class's consructor call the other constructor explicitly.

class C {
C() {}
C(int i_) : i(i_) {}
int i;

class A {
A(int i) /*: C() called here*/ {
C c;

Just make sure your default is empty, and/or don't call it at all, but I'm not sure.

[edited by - temp_ie_cant_thinkof_name on January 25, 2004 4:48:04 PM]
"I study differential and integral calculus in my spare time." -- Karl Marx
temp_ie_cant_thinkof_name: that class A constructor does not contain legal C++ code. The "c.C(i)" expression is pure garbage.
quote:Original post by SiCrane
temp_ie_cant_thinkof_name: that class A constructor does not contain legal C++ code. The "c.C(i)" expression is pure garbage.

Yep, garbage. If fact, if you want to call a certain constructor of a member during the construction of the containing class, you need to specify this in the initialization list.

Something like:

A(int i) : c(i)

of course the ''c(i)'' will be called before DoSomeStuff.
quote:Original post by SiCrane
temp_ie_cant_thinkof_name: that class A constructor does not contain legal C++ code. The "c.C(i)" expression is pure garbage.

Indeed. Instead, try new (&c) C(i);. Of course, this is evil.

"Sneftel is correct, if rather vulgar." --Flarelocke
If you''re going to call placement new on it, at least call it''s destructor first.
You could use a pointer.

class A {public:  A(B b)    {/*do something with b*/}};class B{ A * pA;public: B() { pA = new A(*this); }};


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