Directx wont remember my vertex

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1 comment, last by xIshtarx 20 years, 2 months ago
heeyy, Ive used some tutorials to see how directx works. But when i tried to make a primitive of more then 8 vertices, directx thinks that the vertex 9 is at 0,0,0. When i launch the program, i see the cube with a triangle from the cube to 0,0,0. heres bit of source code... m_Vertices=new mrVertex[9]; ZeroMemory(m_Vertices,sizeof(mrVertex)*9); m_Vertices[0].x=-1.0f; m_Vertices[0].y=-1.0f; m_Vertices[0].z=-1.0f; ....... m_Vertices[8].x=1.0f; //9th vertex m_Vertices[8].y=2.0f; m_Vertices[8].z=1.0f; m_pD3DDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(sizeof(mrVertex)*9, 0, m_FVF, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT,&m_pVertexBuffer); BYTE* pVerticeLock=0; m_pVertexBuffer->Lock(0, sizeof(mrVertex)*9,&pVerticeLock, 0); CopyMemory(pVerticeLock, &m_Vertices, sizeof(m_Vertices)); m_pVertexBuffer->Unlock(); //And in the rendering function: m_pD3DDevice->SetStreamSource(0, m_pVertexBuffer, sizeof(mrVertex)); m_pD3DDevice->SetIndices(m_pIndexBuffer,0); m_pD3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitive(m_RenderType,0, 16,0,m_Triangles); Im using Directx8. I think the problem is something with the vertexbuffer, but what? Plz help, tnx. Ishtar
m_Vertices seems to be a pointer. Do you now that sizeof(a pointer) gives you the size of the pointer (4 on a 32 bit machine). So you copy less than you expected.
oops i forgot that when i update the vertices, i only update the first 8.... Sorry... Tnx anyway

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