Java question

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2 comments, last by Nanven 20 years, 2 months ago
I''m trying to use images and sound, and I know what''s wrong. Everytime I change the screen paint gets called again and so it ends up doing this three times. My question is, how can I get it so in an applet, it only runs code once. Here''s what I got right now"

package maladorintro;

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.applet.AudioClip;

public class intro extends JApplet {
  int appWidth=450;
  int appHeight=600;
  Image logo;
  AudioClip sound;
  Font myFont=new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,30); //Create new font for text

  public void init() {
    //Load images and sound


  public void intro(Graphics g) {
    //Play sound;

    //Set background


    //Set the text to red and change the font


    //Draw the text



    try {
    catch(Exception e) {

    //Display the image


  public void paint(Graphics g) {

I only want the code to run once. However I need a graphics object thats initialized and thats the only reason I have a paint function. Is there a better way?
-Going to Westwood College for my Associates in Computer Programming
Simplest solution - create a boolean member and initialize it to false. In intro, set it to true. In paint, only call intro if it is false.

I am not 100% sure what you mean here, so maybe I misunderstand you but it sounds like you only want that intro(g) is called once, right?

Then you just add one more variable, boolean for example and set it to either true or false indicating if intro is run or not....


boolean bRunIntro;

Inside init:

bRunIntro = true;

In paint

if (bRunIntro) {
bRunIntro = false;
That will prevent the applet from redrawing itself.

A better way would be to have an image object that holds the final graphics (red background, Malador text and logo). Like this:
package maladorintro;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.image.*;import javax.swing.JApplet;import javax.swing.JOptionPane;import java.applet.AudioClip;public class intro extends JApplet {  int appWidth=450;  int appHeight=600;  Image logo;  Image applet = null;  AudioClip sound;  Font myFont=new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,30); //Create new font for text  public void init() {    //Load images and sound    logo=getImage(getCodeBase(),"malador.jpg");    sound=getAudioClip(getCodeBase(),"wind.WAV");  }  public void intro(Graphics g) {    if (applet == null)    {        // Create new image        applet = new BufferedImage(appWidth, appHeight,            BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);        Graphics graph = applet.createGraphics();                //Play sound;                //Set background        graph.fillRect(0,0,appWidth,appHeight);                //Set the text to red and change the font        graph.setColor(Color.RED);        graph.setFont(myFont);                //Draw the text        graph.drawString("Malador",(appWidth/2)-45,(appHeight/2));                // Draw image        g.drawImage(applet, 0, 0, appWidth, appHeight, this);                //Pause        try {            Thread.sleep(2000);        }        catch(Exception e) {            System.out.println(e);        }                //Display the image        graph.drawImage(logo,0,0,appWidth,appHeight,this);        g.drawImage(applet, 0, 0, appWidth, appHeight, this);    }    else    {        g.drawImage(applet, 0, 0, appWidth, appHeight, this);    }  }  public void paint(Graphics g) {    intro(g);  }}

This way, your applet is kind of double buffered and multiple calls to paint() shouldn''t bother you anymore.

- Christoph

Teamwork Software - Stuff That Does Something

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