How do you solve keyboard and mouse input ?

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4 comments, last by Shadow2 20 years, 1 month ago
How do you solve keyboard and mouse input if you are using OpenGL? I heard about GLUT ...but I don''t know how to use it? I mean it better to use DirectX for input or Glut...or something simylar?
you should check out SDL (
its pretty easy to set up your input handling with it.
to get tutorials for SDL just have a look at the website or just google for it.

chaos, panic and disorder - my work here is finished

If u want crossplatfrom then use SDL, if you''re doing win32 you could use DirectInput.
something i switched to today because sdl was a pain in the... glfw. its pretty basic though, window, keyboard, mouse, joystick and thats it, doesnt seem to use directx internally like sdl (the reason i picked it, finally debugging without biting the table).

if you need "more" than just that and want to be more or less platform independent then use sdl.
I switched to glfw as well
Iam actually using the win32 windows procedure and bools...

i know that some say the windows procedure isn´t fast but it works pretty good


driver.keys[wParam] = TRUE;
return 0;

case WM_KEYUP:

driver.keys[wParam] = FALSE;
return 0;

it works pretty well till now (this is actually the solution from nehe´s OGL page)...

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