This is so hard

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13 comments, last by PoLiSh_Peta 20 years, 2 months ago
What is this, and how can I fix it?
c:\dxsdk\include\dinput.h: DIRECTINPUT_VERSION undefined. Defaulting to version 0x0800

There are two inevitabilities in life: death and failure.-PoLiSh

put that line right before
#include <dinput.h>
I still can''t figure out the freaking problem is with this code. It keeps on crashing and it''s really demoralizing me. I feel like I wanna just quit
There are two inevitabilities in life: death and failure.-PoLiSh
Here''s my DInput Wrapper. Hope it Helps, cuz without seseing all of your code, I can''t tell ya why yer crashin =/

//// Author: Shawn McLean//// Creation Date: Friday, November 38th, 2003//// Purpose: This is the implementation file for the CDIWrapper singleton object which//			handles direct input/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "stdafx.h"#include "DIWrapper.h"#include "Timer.h"// init static members:CDIWrapper* CDIWrapper::m_pInst = 0;CDIWrapper::CDIWrapper(){	// init our handles/pointers:	m_pDIObj = 0;	m_pDIKeyboard = 0;	m_pDIMouse = 0;	m_hAppInst = 0;	m_hWnd = 0;	m_iCommandDelay = 0;}CDIWrapper::~CDIWrapper(){	// make sure shutdown was called:	shutdown();}CDIWrapper* CDIWrapper::getInstance(){	if (!m_pInst)		m_pInst = new CDIWrapper;	return m_pInst;}void CDIWrapper::deleteInstance(){	if (m_pInst)	{		delete m_pInst;		m_pInst = 0;	}}void CDIWrapper::GetMousePosition(float *f){	RECT hWndRect;	POINT point;	GetWindowRect(m_hWnd, &hWndRect);	GetCursorPos(&point);	f[0] = (float)(point.x - (hWndRect.left + ((g_bIsFullScreen) ? 0 : 2)));	f[1] = (float)(point.y - ( + ((g_bIsFullScreen) ? 0 : 40)));}bool CDIWrapper::init(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hWnd){	m_hAppInst = hInst;	m_hWnd = hWnd;	// create our DI object:	if (FAILED(DirectInput8Create(m_hAppInst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8,		(void **)&m_pDIObj, NULL)))	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::init : FAILED to create main DI object");		return false;	}	return true;}bool CDIWrapper::initKeyboard(bool bFullscreen){	// clear out the keyboard state	memset(m_szKeyboardBuffer,0,sizeof(m_szKeyboardBuffer));	if (!m_pDIObj)	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::initKeyboard : failed to init keyboard due to DI object being null");		return false;	}	if (FAILED(m_pDIObj->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &m_pDIKeyboard, NULL)))	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::initKeyboard : CreateDevice FAILED for keyboard");		return false;	}	if (FAILED(m_pDIKeyboard->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard)))	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::initKeyboard : SetDataFormat FAILED for keyboard");		return false;	}	DWORD dwFlags;	if (bFullscreen)		dwFlags = DISCL_EXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND;	else		dwFlags = DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND;	if (FAILED(m_pDIKeyboard->SetCooperativeLevel(m_hWnd, dwFlags)))	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::initKeyboard : SetCooperativeLevel FAILED for keyboard");		return false;	}	if (FAILED(m_pDIKeyboard->Acquire()))	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::initKeyboard : Acquire FAILED for keyboard");		return false;	}	return true;}bool CDIWrapper::initMouse(bool bFullscreen){	// clear out the state:	memset(&m_DIMouseInfo,0,sizeof(m_DIMouseInfo));	if (!m_pDIObj)	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::initMouse : failed to init keyboard due to DI object being null");		return false;	}	if (FAILED(m_pDIObj->CreateDevice(GUID_SysMouse, &m_pDIMouse, NULL)))	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::initMouse : CreateDevice FAILED for keyboard");		return false;	}	if (FAILED(m_pDIMouse->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse)))	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::initMouse : SetDataFormat FAILED for keyboard");		return false;	}	DWORD dwFlags;	if (bFullscreen)		dwFlags = DISCL_EXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND;	else		dwFlags = DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND;	if (FAILED(m_pDIMouse->SetCooperativeLevel(m_hWnd, dwFlags)))	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::initMouse : SetCooperativeLevel FAILED for keyboard");		return false;	}	if (FAILED(m_pDIMouse->Acquire()))	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::initMouse : Acquire FAILED for keyboard");		return false;	}	return true;}bool CDIWrapper::keyDown(int iKey, bool buffered){			// if we haven''t init''d the object:		if (!m_pDIKeyboard)		return false;	if(m_iCommandDelay > COMMAND_DELAY || !buffered)	{		if ((m_szKeyboardBuffer[iKey] & 0x80))		{			m_iCommandDelay = 0;			return true;		}	}	return false;}int CDIWrapper::getKey(){	// if we haven''t init''d the object:	if (!m_pDIKeyboard)		return false;	for(unsigned short i = 0; i < 236; i++)	{		if(m_szKeyboardBuffer[i+DIK_ESCAPE] & 0x80)			return i+DIK_ESCAPE;	}	return 0;}bool CDIWrapper::AnyKeyPressed(){	// if we haven''t init''d the object:	if (!m_pDIKeyboard)		return false;	bool found = false;	unsigned short i;	for(i = 0; i < 236; i++)	{		if(m_szKeyboardBuffer[i+DIK_ESCAPE] & 0x80)			found = true;	}	return found;}void CDIWrapper::getMouseDelta(int &iOutX, int &iOutY, int &iOutZ){	// if we haven''t init''d the object:	if (!m_pDIMouse)	{		iOutX = 0;		iOutY = 0;		iOutZ = 0;		return;	}		iOutX = m_DIMouseInfo.lX;	iOutY = m_DIMouseInfo.lY;	iOutZ = m_DIMouseInfo.lZ;}void CDIWrapper::getMouseDelta(float *fp){	// if we haven''t init''d the object:	if (!m_pDIMouse)	{		fp[0] = 0;		fp[1] = 0;		fp[2] = 0;		return;	}		fp[0] = (float)(m_DIMouseInfo.lX);	fp[1] = (float)(m_DIMouseInfo.lY);	fp[2] = (float)(m_DIMouseInfo.lZ);}bool CDIWrapper::mouseButtonDown(mouseButton whichButton){	// if we haven''t init''d the object:	if (!m_pDIMouse)		return false;	if (m_DIMouseInfo.rgbButtons[whichButton] & 0x80)		return true;	return false;}void CDIWrapper::updateMouse(){	// since this is being called every frame don''t bother logging the main calls,	// only log failures:	if (!m_pDIMouse)	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::updateMouse : failed to update mouse due to the device not being init''d");		return;	}	// clear out our struct:	memset(&m_DIMouseInfo,0,sizeof(m_DIMouseInfo));	HRESULT hr;	hr = m_pDIMouse->GetDeviceState(sizeof(m_DIMouseInfo), (LPVOID)&m_DIMouseInfo);	if (FAILED(hr))	{		if (hr == DIERR_INPUTLOST)			m_pDIMouse->Acquire();		else;			//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::updateMouse : failed to GetDeviceState for an unknown reason");	}}void CDIWrapper::updateKeyboard(){	// since this is being called every frame don''t bother logging the main calls,	// only log failures:		//	Update the command buffer	m_iCommandDelay += CTimer::getInstance()->GetBaseFrameTime();	if (!m_pDIKeyboard)	{		//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::updateMouse : failed to update keyboard due to the device not being init''d");		return;	}	// clear out our buffer:	memset(&m_szKeyboardBuffer,0,sizeof(m_szKeyboardBuffer));	HRESULT hr;	hr = m_pDIKeyboard->GetDeviceState(sizeof(m_szKeyboardBuffer), (LPVOID)&m_szKeyboardBuffer);	if (FAILED(hr))	{		if (hr == DIERR_INPUTLOST)			m_pDIKeyboard->Acquire();		else;			//CLogger::putMsg("CDIWrapper::updateKeyboard : failed to GetDeviceState for an unknown reason");	}}void CDIWrapper::shutdown(){	SAFE_RELEASE(m_pDIObj)	if (m_pDIKeyboard)	{		m_pDIKeyboard->Unacquire();		SAFE_RELEASE(m_pDIKeyboard);	}	if (m_pDIMouse)	{		m_pDIMouse->Unacquire();		SAFE_RELEASE(m_pDIMouse);	}}char *CDIWrapper::DIKtoC(int code){	switch (code)	{	case DIK_A:		return "A";	case DIK_B:		return "B";	case DIK_C:		return "C";	case DIK_D:		return "D";	case DIK_E:		return "E";	case DIK_F:		return "F";	case DIK_G:		return "G";	case DIK_H:		return "H";	case DIK_I:		return "I";	case DIK_J:		return "J";	case DIK_K:		return "K";	case DIK_L:		return "L";	case DIK_M:		return "M";	case DIK_N:		return "N";	case DIK_O:		return "O";	case DIK_P:		return "P";	case DIK_Q:		return "Q";	case DIK_R:		return "R";	case DIK_S:		return "S";	case DIK_T:		return "T";	case DIK_U:		return "U";	case DIK_V:		return "V";	case DIK_W:		return "W";	case DIK_X:		return "X";	case DIK_Y:		return "Y";	case DIK_Z:		return "Z";	case DIK_1:		return "1";	case DIK_2:		return "2";	case DIK_3:		return "3";	case DIK_4:		return "4";	case DIK_5:		return "5";	case DIK_6:		return "6";	case DIK_7:		return "7";	case DIK_8:		return "8";	case DIK_9:		return "9";	case DIK_0:		return "0";	case DIK_DOWN:		return "DOWN";	case DIK_UP:		return "UP";	case DIK_LEFT:		return "LEFT";	case DIK_RIGHT:		return "RIGHT";	case DIK_SPACE:		return "SPACE";	case DIK_BACK:		return "BACK";	//added 1/19/2004	case DIK_TAB:		return "TAB";	case DIK_CAPITAL:		return "CAPS";	case DIK_LSHIFT:		return "LEFT SHIFT";	case DIK_RSHIFT:		return "RIGHT SHIFT";	case DIK_LCONTROL:		return "LEFT CONTROL";	case DIK_RCONTROL:		return "RIGHT CONTROL";	case DIK_LMENU:		return "LEFT ALT";	case DIK_RMENU:		return "RIGHT ALT";	case DIK_GRAVE:			//The tilde/grave accent		return "`";	case DIK_F1:		return "F1";	case DIK_F2:		return "F2";	case DIK_F3:		return "F3";	case DIK_F4:		return "F4";	case DIK_F5:		return "F5";	case DIK_F6:		return "F6";	case DIK_F7:		return "F7";	case DIK_F8:		return "F8";	case DIK_F9:		return "F9";	case DIK_F10:		return "F10";	case DIK_F11:		return "F11";	case DIK_F12:		return "F12";	case DIK_LBRACKET:		return "[";	case DIK_RBRACKET:		return "]";	case DIK_SEMICOLON:		return ";";	case DIK_APOSTROPHE:		return "''";	case DIK_COMMA:		return ",";	case DIK_PERIOD:		return ".";	case DIK_SLASH:		return "FORWARD SLASH";	case DIK_BACKSLASH:		return "BACK SLASH";	case DIK_RETURN:		return "ENTER";	case DIK_MINUS:		return "-";	case DIK_EQUALS:		return "=";	default:		return "UNRECOGNIZED";	}}
Seen the wrapper, good stuff. It''s got the mouse stuff, which I won''t be needing for pong. Also, the keyboard seems more advanced in your code. Do you think my DInput wrapper will suffice for a game like PONG? Anyways, here''s all my code in my entire project. I appreciate your help


#include "Global_Header.h"int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd ){	PtrMainApplication = new cSystemStuff;	PtrMainInput = new cInput( PtrMainApplication->Get_hInst(),							   PtrMainApplication->Get_hWnd() );							   	PtrMainApplication->Run();	return 0;}

#ifndef Global_Header_H_#define Global_Header_H_//Necessary windows/DX includes#include <windows.h>#define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0800#include <dinput.h>//Our includesstatic BOOL IsAppDone = FALSE;#include "System_Stuff.h"#include "Input.h"#endif

#ifndef System_Stuff_H_#define System_Stuff_H_class cSystemStuff{public:	cSystemStuff();	~cSystemStuff();	//Get functions	HWND		Get_hWnd();	HINSTANCE	Get_hInst();	BOOL InitWindowStructure();	BOOL Run();	BOOL KillWindow(); 	virtual FAR PASCAL MsgProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) 	{ return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); }	BOOL Frame();	BOOL Shutdown();	BOOL MessagePump();protected:	char ClassName[ 256 ];	char Caption[ 256 ];	//Properties of the main window	DWORD Style;	DWORD XPos;	DWORD YPos;	DWORD Height;	DWORD Width;private:	HWND		m_hWnd;	HINSTANCE	m_hInst;	WNDCLASSEX	WindowStructure;};//Our message processorstatic long FAR PASCAL AppWindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );static cSystemStuff* PtrMainApplication = NULL;#endif

#include "Global_Header.h"cSystemStuff::cSystemStuff(){	//Set the main application pointer to the class that is currently	//being instantiated.	PtrMainApplication = this;	//Get the instance handle of this program	m_hInst = GetModuleHandle( NULL );	//Copy in the following strings into the class name and caption	strcpy( ClassName, "PoLiShPONG" );	strcpy( Caption, "PoLiShPONG" );	//Initialize the main window structure.	InitWindowStructure();};//Returns instance handleHINSTANCE cSystemStuff::Get_hInst(){	return m_hInst;}//Returns window handleHWND cSystemStuff::Get_hWnd(){	return m_hWnd;}//Function that does all the window structure initialization.BOOL cSystemStuff::InitWindowStructure(){	WindowStructure.cbSize			= sizeof( WNDCLASSEX );			= CS_CLASSDC;	WindowStructure.lpfnWndProc		= AppWindowProc;	WindowStructure.cbClsExtra		= 0;	WindowStructure.cbWndExtra		= 0;	WindowStructure.hInstance		= m_hInst;	WindowStructure.hIcon			= LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION );	WindowStructure.hCursor			= LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW );	WindowStructure.hbrBackground	= NULL;	WindowStructure.lpszMenuName	= NULL;	WindowStructure.lpszClassName   = ClassName;	WindowStructure.hIconSm			= LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION );	//Set some values for our class	Style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW;	XPos = 0;	YPos = 0;	Height = 400;	Width = 400;	return TRUE;}//This function will run for the duratin of the program.BOOL cSystemStuff::Run(){		//create a MSG instance.	MSG Msg;	//Register our class	if( !RegisterClassEx( &WindowStructure ) )	{		return FALSE;	}	//Create the actual window	m_hWnd = CreateWindow( ClassName,						   Caption,						   Style,						   XPos,						   YPos,						   Width,						   Height,						   NULL,						   NULL,						   m_hInst,						   NULL );	if( !m_hWnd )	{		return FALSE;	}	//Show and update window	ShowWindow( m_hWnd, SW_NORMAL );	UpdateWindow( m_hWnd );	//Initialize COM	CoInitialize( NULL );	//Create out memory of the MSG to prepare for Message pump	ZeroMemory( &Msg, sizeof( MSG ) );	//Main loop	while( Msg.message != WM_QUIT )	{		//Handle any Windows messages if need be		if( PeekMessage( &Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) 		{			TranslateMessage( &Msg );			DispatchMessage( &Msg );		} 			else 			{				//Do the frame processing crap here								if( Frame() == FALSE || IsAppDone == TRUE )				{										break;				}			}	}	//Shutdown window and everything else	Shutdown();	//Uninitialize COM	CoUninitialize();	//Unregister our window class	UnregisterClass( ClassName, m_hInst );	return TRUE;}//The message handlerlong FAR PASCAL AppWindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){       switch(uMsg) 	   {       	        case WM_DESTROY:			{		  				 PostQuitMessage(0);				 return 0;			}       			default: 			{					  return PtrMainApplication->MsgProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);			}	   }}//Fix pointers to NULLBOOL cSystemStuff::Shutdown(){	PtrMainApplication = NULL;	return TRUE;}BOOL cSystemStuff::Frame(){	BOOL ReturnValue = TRUE;		if( PtrMainInput->Read() == FALSE )	{		ReturnValue = FALSE;	}		else		{			ReturnValue = TRUE;		}	return ReturnValue;}

#ifndef Input_H_#define Input_H_typedef unsigned char UCHAR;//Macro to release COM objects#define ReleaseCOM(x) if(x) { x->Release(); x = NULL; }//Macros for testing whether a key is up or down#define    KeyDown(data, n)    ((data[n] & 0x80) ? true : false)#define    KeyUp(data, n)    ((data[n] & 0x80) ? false : true)class cInput{public:	cInput( HINSTANCE, HWND );	~cInput();	BOOL InitializeKeyboard();	BOOL Shutdown();	BOOL Read();private:	HINSTANCE			m_hInst;	HWND				m_hWnd;		HRESULT				hr;		//Direct input stuff we''ll need	LPDIRECTINPUT8			m_DIObject;	LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8	Keyboard;		//Buffer to hold input from the keyboard};static cInput* PtrMainInput = NULL;#endif

#include "Global_Header.h"cInput::cInput( HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hWnd ){	//Set the input class pointer to this instantiation	PtrMainInput = this;	//Set local HINSTANCE and HWND variables	m_hInst = hInst;	m_hWnd = hWnd;	//Create main Direct Input object	hr = DirectInput8Create( m_hInst, 							 DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, 							 IID_IDirectInput8, 							 ( void** ) &m_DIObject, 							 NULL );	//Make a call to initialize the keyboard device.	InitializeKeyboard();}cInput::~cInput(){	//Make a call to shutdown Direct Input	Shutdown();}BOOL cInput::InitializeKeyboard(){	hr = m_DIObject->CreateDevice( GUID_SysKeyboard, &Keyboard, NULL );	hr = Keyboard->SetDataFormat( &c_dfDIKeyboard );	hr = Keyboard->SetCooperativeLevel( m_hWnd, 										DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE );	if( Keyboard ) Keyboard->Acquire();	return TRUE;}BOOL cInput::Shutdown(){	Keyboard->Unacquire();	ReleaseCOM( Keyboard );	ReleaseCOM( m_DIObject );	m_hWnd = NULL;	return TRUE;}BOOL cInput::Read(){	#define KEYDOWN(name, key) (name[key] & 0x80)	BYTE	buffer[ 256 ];	ZeroMemory( buffer, sizeof(buffer) );	hr = Keyboard->GetDeviceState( sizeof( buffer ),( LPVOID )&buffer );	if( FAILED(hr) )	{		return FALSE;	}	//I''m not sure what to do here.		if (KEYDOWN(buffer, DIK_ESCAPE))	{		IsAppDone = TRUE;	}	return TRUE;}

There are two inevitabilities in life: death and failure.-PoLiSh

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