Visual C++ .NET

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3 comments, last by SumDude 20 years, 1 month ago
I was wondering about buying it when the price came up to around $100. I have a few questions about it before buying it and i''m afraid of reading the Microsoft info on it because it''s not like they are going to put anything bad in the info about their software. - Are there any problems with it? - Is there any large differences between it and Visual C++ 6.0? - Should i spend $100 on it?
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- Not that I''ve found.
- It has less bugs and it is more standards complient. Pretty big difference .
- I would give a shot at MinGW Developer Studio first.
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One thing I''ve noticed with Visual C++ .NET is that sometimes the intellisense doesnt work when you''re using classes. Not really a big deal, but I''m really not sure why exactly it fails to work with classes sometimes.

There are some major differences between 6.0 and .NET. They do take some time getting used to, but now that I have been using VC++ .NET for about a year now, I like it much more than 6.0.

Along with the actual software, you get alot of documentation. Mostly an introduction to VC++ .NET, brochures, and a little booklet. You also get the latest version of MSDN on some CDs, which is an excellent resource to have on your hard drive. With everything you get with buying VC++ .NET, it is definitely worth the 100 dollars in my opinion.


In this world gone mad, we won''t spank the monkey; the monkey will spank us.
In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey; the monkey will spank us.
The Intellisense seemed to peak with VC7 and then go down in sensitivity in VC7.1. I am very close to disabling it completely.
--God has paid us the intolerable compliment of loving us, in the deepest, most tragic, most inexorable sense.- C.S. Lewis
I have worked on VC 6 for 4 years and VC .NET 7/7.1 for around a year.

I have not encountered any bugs in VC .NET 7/7.1 compiler. The only minor bugs you can find is only at the IDE.

VC .NET 7/7.1 is much more ANSI compliant. You can find it much more easy to work with when you need write your codes in ANSI standards. At least, the for loop variable scope is correctly implementaed.

It is worth the money if you need ANSI compliant compiler and a good to use IDE.
The poorest programmer in the game industry!!

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