passing va_list

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0 comments, last by nagromo 20 years, 1 month ago
I am trying to write a function that takes variable parameters like printf and attempts to pass them on to printf. The function right now just passes the va_list on to printf. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdarg.h>


void print(int type,char *txt,...)
	va_list args;

int main()
	int n=-50;
	return 0;
It does nothing now, but later sprintf will be used to decide where to put it based on the type. My problem is that it returns -1073742616. It returns the same value every time, even after code changes and recompiles. When I change it to printf and remove the DEBUG arguement, it gives -50 as expected. Am I passing the arguement list wrong?
Use vprintf, not printf.

vprintf( txt, args );

Similarly, use vsprintf for putting it in a string:

vsprintf( str, txt, args );

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