gluUnproject placing object problems

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2 comments, last by clayasaurus 20 years, 1 month ago
hi, i'm having trouble with placing an object # units away from player with mouse and gluUnproject() my code is this:

glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // load identities


gluLookAt(x,y,z,etc); // manipulate 3d scene using gluLookAt and view/position vectors

if (a key is hit)
	GLdouble proj[16]; // vars

	GLdouble model[16];
	GLint view[4];
	GLdouble nearx,neary,nearz;
	GLdouble farx,fary,farz;

	glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX,proj); // get projection, model, and view matrixes


	// glunproject


	cVector3 vNear(nearx, neary, nearz);
	cVector3 vFar(farx, fary, farz);

	cVector3 vRay = vFar - vNear;

	vRay = vRay * 50;


my problem is glUnproject seems to work fine if i don't look up or down, if i inverse the vRay.y(), and stay around gluLookAt(0, 1.5, 6, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 1, 0). if i don't inverse the vRay.y(), the y() axis appears to be inversed. when i move around the screen or look up/down glUnproject doesn't seem to work correctly at all. what can i be doing wrong? thx. edit: the reason i want to place an object x distance away from the camera is so i can create a ray from camera to X to check against my world boxes for picking collision [edited by - clayasaurus on March 19, 2004 5:39:25 PM]
ugh, i figured out what i was doing wrong, i needed

line[0] = vStart.x();line[1] = vStart.y();line[2] = vStart.z();line[3] = vStart.x()+(vDir.x()*50.f);line[4] = vStart.y()+(-vDir.y()*50.f);line[5] = vStart.z()+(vDir.z()*50.f);boxes.resize(boxes.size()+1);[3], line[4], line[5]);,1,1);

[edited by - clayasaurus on March 19, 2004 8:08:48 PM]
hrm, ok i thought everything was fine, but it is not

i've narrowed the problem down even more though, the gluUnproject()
works perfectly as long as the camera isn't looking up or down,
and i inverse the y axis.

has anyone else had similar problems ?

edit: my current code is this

GLdouble proj[16]; // view matrixGLdouble model[16];GLint view[4];GLdouble nearx,neary,nearz; // glu coordsGLdouble farx,fary,farz;glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX,proj); // get matrixglGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX,model);glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT,view);gluUnProject(x,y,0,model,proj,view,&nearx,&neary,&nearz); // get coordsgluUnProject(x,y,1,model,proj,view,&farx,&fary,&farz);cVector3 vNear(nearx, -neary, nearz); // put near plane coords in vectorcVector3 vFar(farx, -fary, farz); // put far plane coords in vectorm_vDirection = vFar - vNear; // calculate the direction vectorm_vDirection.Normalize(); // set length to 1m_vEnd = m_vStart + (m_vDirection*m_length); // calculate end of ray based on direction, length, and start

for m_vStart i use the camera position vector, and to draw my ray
i use this

glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);	glColor3ub(r,g,b);	glVertex3f(m_vStart.x(),m_vStart.y(),m_vStart.z());	glVertex3f(m_vEnd.x(),m_vEnd.y(),m_vEnd.z());glEnd();

[edited by - clayasaurus on March 19, 2004 8:15:29 PM]
does anyone know how to calculate the look up/down vector into the ray correctly ?

guess not.

[edited by - clayasaurus on March 20, 2004 12:48:22 AM]

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