minimizing gl window

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3 comments, last by l_ahriman 20 years ago
Why is it so, that when i minimize gl windows from the tutorials processor usage raises to 100%??
o O l_ahriman O o
The processor should be at 100% while the program is running. When you minimize it you''ve not changed anything.
quote:Original post by skow
The processor should be at 100% while the program is running. When you minimize it you''ve not changed anything.

i''m a very beginner so i might be wrong but there is [active] variable which determines if program is active or not. When [active] is zero no drawing is being performed ( i understand it this way ) :

//if ((active && !DrawGLScene()) || keys[VK_ESCAPE])//
( assuming that checking conditions is done from left to right, doesn''t it? )

so what''s going on with that processor usage?

btw: when window is active my processor usage is about 5% but when i minimize it usage raises to 100%

Something must be wrong but what?
o O l_ahriman O o
quote:Original post by skow
The processor should be at 100% while the program is running. When you minimize it you''ve not changed anything.

Actually it has, why render if the app is minimized? What changed is the user minimized for a reason and the reason isn''t to have the app still rendering.

It should be something like this:
In your message procedure have something like this:
case WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE:    Active = false;    break;//case WM_SIZE:    if(Windowed)    {        if(wParam == SIZE_MAXHIDE || wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED)	{	    Active = false;	}	else	{	    Active = true;	}    }    break;//case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE:    Active = true;    break;

Then in the message pump have something like this:
BOOL RecievedMessage;MSG  Message;PeekMessage(&Message, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_NOREMOVE);while(Message.message != WM_QUIT){    if(Active)    {        RecievedMessage = PeekMessage(&Message, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE);    }    else    {        RecievedMessage = GetMessage(&Message, NULL, 0U, 0U);    }//    if(RecievedMessage)    {        TranslateMessage(&Message);        DispatchMessage(&Message);    }    else    {        if(Active)        {            Render();	}	else	{	    WaitMessage();	}    }}//return (int)Message.wParam;

That should take it to 0% when the app gets minimized.

Ariel Productions
|Designing A Screen Shot System|

"You wished for a white christmas... Now go shovel your wishes!"
//if ((active && !DrawGLScene()) || keys[VK_ESCAPE])//
( assuming that checking conditions is done from left to right, doesn''t it? )

Yes, it checks each condition from left to right. What your basically saying is:
"If my application is active and rendering the current scene returned false or the escape key was pressed then ...(Close the application?)"

Ariel Productions
|Designing A Screen Shot System|

"You wished for a white christmas... Now go shovel your wishes!"

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