double to char conversion

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6 comments, last by hello_there 20 years, 1 month ago
When you convert a double to a char in c++ does it truncate the decimal part?
____________________________________________________________How could hell be worse?
Wouldn''t it be easier if you tried it out first? It only takes 3 or 4 lines of code! Besides, there is nothing like seeing the result for yourself and interpreting the result.

"There is no dark side of the moon." - Pink Floyd
"There is no dark side of the moon." - Pink Floyd

Well I have seen from experience that trying to choose which of the three codes, gcvt() , ecvt() , and fcvt() can be difficult.

I recommend gcvt() in this case. I'm not sure you are handling scientific notations, "ecvt() " or "fcvt() ", so we will stick with "gcvt() ".

Now I wrote a sample code that converts a double floating point to a string, and back, using the standard library functions. I also used atof() to convert a string back to a floating point. Of course you might think that a double is not the same as a float. Well in all cases you see the names are different, only thing that is different with the double is it supports 32-bit, while float 24 or 16, and integer 8.

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main() {	char buffer[50];	int precision = 5;	double value = 245.92;	// Convert to string	gcvt(value, precision, buffer);	printf("%s\n", buffer);	// Convert back to double	value = atof(buffer);	printf("%f\n", value);	return 0;}
Example 1.1: Converting a double to string and vice-versa using gcvt() and atof()

Alright, well the example is simple and well explained. I'll just explain up on gcvt() .

· The first parameter handles the value , others say the floating point (double in this case). It retrieves whatever is stored in this data type variable.
· The second parameter, precision , tells the function how many numbers it is going to convert. For instance, if precision were 3 in this example all that would convert is "245", else if precision were 4 the outcome would be "245.9", and so on and so forth.
· The third parameter, of course, needs a buffer to write too. So you just seed one to it and it automatically writes the info in your string.

I hope this has helped,

[edited by - BlueDev on March 23, 2004 11:41:25 AM]
or better yet if you're using C++
#include <string>#include <sstream>int main(){   double x = 23.3;   std::stringstream str;   str << x << std::ends;   std::string result = str.str();}

"That's not a bug, it's a feature!"

[edited by - ChaosEngine on March 23, 2004 8:14:36 PM]
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
one more question what''s the biggest number a char can hold? Is it 0 - 255 since the biggest number 1 byte can hold is 11111111 which is 255. also how does a char or any other type store if the number is negative?
____________________________________________________________How could hell be worse?
An unsigned char can hold values from 0 to 255. A signed char varies from -127 to +128.
Negative integers are stored using two''s complement. The storage of floating-point types is completely different.
-128 to 127 for signed char

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