Glut does not refresh screen in Win XP!!

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1 comment, last by holyburak 20 years ago
Hi all, I''ve coded some simple skeletal animation. It uses multimedia timer. It works at office PIV Win 98 but at home at my old PIII , Win XP machine i have to move the mouse on the glut screen while the animation goes on. Is this because glut does not suppport Win XP? Code is sth like ; void CALLBACK CAnSequence::TimerFunction(UINT wTimerID, UINT msg, DWORD dwUser, DWORD dw1, DWORD dw2) { CAnSequence *seq = (CAnSequence*) dwUser; seq->m_current_frame++; if(seq->m_current_frame >= seq->m_frames) { seq->m_timer->Stop(); } seq->Update(); glutPostRedisplay(); } void animation(void) { seq.Play(); glutIdleFunc(NULL); } void display(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); seq.m_figure->DisplayDeformed(SOLID); glutSwapBuffers(); } void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { if (key == 27) exit(0); if( key == ''r'') { if(xrot == 0) xrot = 4; glutPostRedisplay(); } if( key == ''a'') { glutIdleFunc(animation); } }
Burak Ulker
call GlFinish(); or GlFlush(); after drawing and before swapping the buffers
I''ll try it. Thank you for replying..
Burak Ulker

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