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2 comments, last by mrmrcoleman 20 years ago
Hello. I am trying to debug my program in VC++6 but I keep running into the same problem. When I step into this line:

ZeroMemory(&GlobalDirect3D9Present, sizeof(GlobalDirect3D9Present);
I get a dialogue box headed ''Find Source'' asking me to provide a file called memset.asm, but I cannot locate this file on my computer. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Mark Coleman
Just punch F10 to skip over the line. Since you dont have the source code for memset, which ZeroMemory calls, you cant step into the function.
You da man.

If you re-run the setup for VC and tell it to install the source code for the C run time library you''ll be able to see the source code for builtin library functions. Most of the time you''ll be better off stepping over such functions, but sometimes it can be useful to have the source code - for tracking bugs for example.

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