Cant get the GetCharWidth32 work. (not becose the args)

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4 comments, last by Craazer 20 years ago
What should I do to get GetCharWidth32 working since it returns 0 and last error is: 120 This function is not supported on this system. ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ? Im running win98 SE so it should be suported? also GetCharWidthFloat fails but GetCharWidth works! Oh and I have windows.h included and no stdafx.h stuff. I also have some directX includes...
Those functions are prob. available in the win2k distros or windows NT or something. Perhaps it''s new stuff implemented in the windows api...

Yeah, I was right, it''s unsupported in 95/98. Work around it.

Allright thank you thec.

fortunetly at least GetCharWidth works, I just dont know how inaccurate it is exactly.
It returns logical coordinates wich I should convert to pixels how exactly?
this is what I''ve tryed but it isnt accurate for all font widths
and types...

// get a''s width as exampleMulDiv(''a'',GetDeviceCaps(hdc,LOGPIXELSX))
Just needed to say that I counted character width scale and mulplied MulDiv''s result whit it.

So maybe it works now.
or maybe not. Seriously how do you convert ''logical coordinates'' to normal pixel coordinates?

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