why java applet not displaying on all browsers?

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3 comments, last by dexter_n135 20 years ago
Why do Java applets display on some browsers but not others? Is it my fault, or does everybody that goes to my site need the latest Java software?
It could be one of a few options. One could be that they don''t have the Java browser plug-in installed. Another could be that they disable Java applets from appearing at all.
It could be that they need the latest software. Most browsers only come with JRE 1.1.5 or 1.1.8, so if you use anything from 1.2 on up, then they''ll have to download a newer JRE.

The best thing to do is to find a browser that your applet doesn''t work in, and open up the Java Console to see what errors popped up.
Many people, like myself, disable Java applets. They tend to often be slow, unnecessary and quite unstable. For various reasons it is also often necessary to download a runtime/jvm after installing your OS of choice. Many typical users will not take this step. For wide appeal, Java applets may not be the best choice. Kind of ironic.
I never seen computer with willingly disabled Java. I however encountered theories from people that were dazzled by MS error messages.
I have disabled ActiveX, so no flash and less amount of virusses and other problems.

Have you ever tried to disable Javascript (aka ECMA script)? It does wonders. (No popups for example)

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