Lesson 13 - vsprintf()?

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1 comment, last by 31337 20 years ago
In lesson 13 in the glPrint() command a buffer of size 256 bytes is created and vsprintf is used to fill it. Wouldn''t vnsprintf() be a better approach for this? Why is there not a Window$ version of this command? How can I make this safe so that it will work on very very large strings?
OpenGL Revolutions http://students.hightechhigh.org/~jjensen/
It''s vsnprintf() not vnsprintf().

In any case, you do realize that blaming the operating system doesn''t help matters? The presence of vsnprintf() in the runtime depends on the compiler, not the operating system. And for the record, MSVC supplies it in the form of _vsnprintf().
Ah thank you its good to know. I''m glad Micro$oft $upports it.
OpenGL Revolutions http://students.hightechhigh.org/~jjensen/

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