vc6 with msdn2003

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0 comments, last by Archi 20 years ago
Does anybody know how to merge Visual Studio 6.0 with MSDN 2003? quote: Setup General Information The April 2003 Library is designed to be compatible as the fully integrated Help system for Visual Studio .NET. The April 2003 Library, and all future Libraries, will not integrate within Visual Studio 6.0 or earlier versions. If you are running Visual Studio 6.0 or earlier, the April 2003 Library may be used as a standalone product. Have heard of some macros, though. [edited by - archi on April 10, 2004 6:34:36 PM]
found macro on - russian msdn project

''Global variable for MSDN.NET window.
dim HelpApp

Sub RunMSDNdotNET()
''DESCRIPTION: Call external MSDN .NET Help!
'' (C) 2002 Igor Solovyov (
'' v.1.2
Dim sel
Dim LineNum
Dim ColNum

''PrintToOutputWindow VarType(ActiveDocument)
If VarType(ActiveDocument) = vbObject Then ''9
Exit Sub
End If

sel = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text

if ActiveDocument.Selection = "" Then
LineNum = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
ColNum = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn

ActiveDocument.Selection.WordRight dsMove
ActiveDocument.Selection.WordLeft dsExtend

sel = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text

ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo LineNum, ColNum
End If

sel = RTrim( LTrim( sel ) )

''ProgID = DExplore.AppObj
''TypeLib = {83285928-227C-11d3-B870-00C04F79F802}
'' C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSEnv\vshelp.tlb

if IsEmpty(HelpApp) Then
Set HelpApp = CreateObject("DExplore.AppObj")
End If

''Set the January 2002 Collection and "Visual C++ and Related" filter
HelpApp.SetCollection "ms-help://MS.VSCC", "Visual C++ and Related"
''"" - Collection w\o filtering. You can create your personal filter and insert it name here.
''HelpApp.SetCollection "ms-help://MS.VSCC", ""


On Error Resume Next
''Trying to invoke context help on sel
HelpApp.DisplayTopicFromKeyword( sel )
HelpApp.DisplayTopicFromF1Keyword( sel )

Dim wsh
Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
''If your MSDN help window have different title you have to pick it here!
wsh.AppActivate( "Visual Studio .NET Combined Collection" )
End Sub

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