std::vector Question

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2 comments, last by Gammastrahler 20 years ago
Hi there, i have a vector, which contains, lets say, four elements: 1 2 3 4 now i want to move the vector so that "2" is at the beginning: All successive elements should move also the same distance, and the elements that were before this positions should fill the gap at the end: 2 3 4 1 how can i achieve this? is there a std:: function that easily performs such operations? thanks for any help! greets Gammastrahler
I think, that there''s no std::function, that would do it for you, but it''s not so difficult do it yourself.

template <typename T>void rotateLeft (std::vector <T> &v){  T carry;  carry = v [0];    //save the first element  //shift all the elemets to the left  for (int i = 0; i < v.size () - 1; ++i)    v [i] = v [i + 1];  //set the last element to the saved value  v [v.size () - 1] = carry;  //that''s all =)}Now - there''s nothing easier but:int main (){  std::vector <int> v;  v.push_back (1);  v.push_back (2);  v.push_back (3);  v.push_back (4);  std::cout << "Elements before rotating:\n";  for (int i = 0; i < v.size (); ++i)    std::cout << v [i];  std::cout << ''\n'';  rotateLeft (v);  std::cout << "Elements after rotating:\n";  for (int i = 0; i < v.size (); ++i)    std::cout << v [i];  std::cout ''\n'';  return 0;}

There ya go =)


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Sure it exists...
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>int main(){   const int VECTOR_SIZE = 8;   // Define a template class vector of strings   typedef std::vector<string> StrVector;   //Define an iterator for template class vector of strings   typedef StrVector::iterator StrVectorIt;   StrVector Tongue_Twister(VECTOR_SIZE);   StrVectorIt start, end, middle, it;   // location of first element of Tongue_Twister   start = Tongue_Twister.begin();      // one past the location last element of Tongue_Twister   end = Tongue_Twister.end();          // Initialize vector Tongue_Twister   Tongue_Twister[0] = "she";   Tongue_Twister[1] = "sells";   Tongue_Twister[2] = "sea";   Tongue_Twister[3] = "shells";   Tongue_Twister[4] = "by";   Tongue_Twister[5] = "the";   Tongue_Twister[6] = "sea";   Tongue_Twister[7] = "shore";   middle = start + 3;  // start position for rotating elements   std::cout << "Before calling rotate" << std::endl;   // print content of Tongue_Twister   std::cout << "Try this Tongue Twister:";   for (it = start; it != end; ++it)      cout << " " << *it;   // rotate the items in the vector Tongue_Twister by 3 positions   std::rotate(start, middle, end);   std::cout << std::endl << "After calling rotate" << std::endl;   // print content of Tongue_Twister   std::cout << "Now try the rotated Tongue Twister:";   for (it = start; it != end; ++it)      std::cout << " " << *it;   std::cout << endl;}

Before calling rotateTry this Tongue Twister: she sells sea shells by the sea shoreAfter calling rotateNow try the rotated Tongue Twister: shells by the sea shore she sells sea

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As stated previously, you can use std::rotate() defined in algorithm. Assuming I have understood your question correctly, this is how you would use this function:
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm> int main(){   const std::vector<int>::size_type vec_size = 4;   std::vector<int> vec(vec_size);   for ( std::vector<int>::size_type ix = 0; ix < vec_size; ++ix )      vec[ix] = ix + 1;    std::cout << "Before: ";   std::copy( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " ") );    // operation here:    std::rotate( vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 1, vec.end() );    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl             << "After: ";   std::copy( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " ") );    return 0;}

which outputs this:

Before: 1 2 3 4

After: 2 3 4 1

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[edited by - Lektrix on April 11, 2004 11:49:33 AM]
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