Analyzing the BackBuffer

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3 comments, last by CodeHog 20 years ago
Hi, I want to render a Red primitive on a white background and manually check whether each Pixel Blended Properly. Since we cant get the BackBuffer data, - I called CreateRenderTarget - then setting my Render Target using SetRenderTarget, - I drew the primitive on the RenderTarget. 1. I already have the render Target. Do I need a GetRendetTargetData? 2. How can I calculate the value of an alpha blended Pixel for the different BackBuffer Formats ? 3. I had to stretch Rect the RenderTarget on the BackBuffer and call Present. Is there a way to present the RenderTarget, ignoring the Backbuffer altogether? Thanks. Code: HRESULT MyClass::DrawAndCheck() { hr = m_lpD3DDevice->BeginScene(); hr = m_lpD3DDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_COLORVALUE( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ),1.0f,1); hr = RenderPrimitive(m_RenderTarget); hr = m_lpD3DDevice->StretchRect(m_RenderTarget, NULL, m_lpDDSBackBuffer, NULL, D3DTEXF_NONE); hr = m_lpD3DDevice->EndScene(); hr = m_lpD3DDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); AnalyzeSurface(m_RenderTarget); return hr; } HRESULT MyClass::RenderPrimitive(void) { hr = m_lpD3DDevice->ColorFill(m_lpD3DRenderTarget, NULL, 0xffffffff); // Color it white. hr = m_lpD3DDevice->SetRenderTarget(0, m_lpD3DRenderTarget); // DrawPrimitive on RenderTarget. hr = RenderPrimitive(m_lpDDSBackBuffer, &DstRect, m_lpD3DSTexture, &SrcRect, m_Alpha); hr = m_lpD3DDevice->SetRenderTarget(0, m_lpDDSBackBuffer); return hr; } HRESULT MyClass::AnalyzeSurface( int *pDiff, RECT * rBox, LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pDDS, LPRECT prSrc ) { // Get RenderTarget Format hr = pDDS->GetDesc(&d3dsd); // BackBuffer __try { D3DLOCKED_RECT LockedRect; hr = pDDS->LockRect(&LockedRect, NULL , 0 ); DWORD BytesPerPixel = 0; // Parameter used by compare Rectangle. switch( d3dsd.Format) { case D3DFMT_R5G6B5:// 565 BytesPerPixel = 2; // 16 bit format // AnalyzePixels (ARGB565 *) LockedRect.pBits, break; case D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5: // 555 BytesPerPixel = 2; // 16 bit format // AnalyzePixels (ARGB1555 *) LockedRect.pBits, break; case D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8: case D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8: BytesPerPixel = 4; // 32 bit format // AnalyzePixels (ARG8888 *) LockedRect.pBits, break; default: // Unsupported BackBuffer Format break; } } __finally { pDDS->UnlockRect(); } return hr; } Heres My device Creation. HRESULT MyClass::CreateDevice() { if( NULL == ( m_lpD3D = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION) ) ) { Err Handling } D3DDISPLAYMODE d3ddm; if( FAILED( m_lpD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &d3ddm ) ) ) { Err Handling } ZeroMemory( &m_d3dpp, sizeof(m_d3dpp) ); m_d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = d3ddm.Format; m_d3dpp.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY; // leave Back buffer intact after PRESENT. m_d3dpp.Windowed = TRUE ; m_d3dpp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D16; // For creating application lockable Surfaces m_d3dpp.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE; m_d3dpp.Flags = D3DPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER; if( FAILED((hr = m_lpD3D->CreateDevice( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, m_hwnd, D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &m_d3dpp, &m_lpD3DDevice ) ) ) ) { Err Handling ; } }
quote:Since we cant get the BackBuffer data,
- I called CreateRenderTarget
- then setting my Render Target using SetRenderTarget,
- I drew the primitive on the RenderTarget.

You can get the back-buffer data. Create your device with D3DPRESENT_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER flag set in D3DPRESENT_PARAMETER.Flags (The names might not be 100% correct), and then you can retrieve the back-buffer surface, and lock it.

quote:1. I already have the render Target. Do I need a GetRendetTargetData?

Well, if you want access to its bits, you need it.

quote:2. How can I calculate the value of an alpha blended Pixel for the different BackBuffer Formats ?

I don''t understand what you mean.

quote:3. I had to stretch Rect the RenderTarget on the BackBuffer and
call Present. Is there a way to present the RenderTarget, ignoring the Backbuffer altogether?

You can render a screen-aligned quad textured with the RenderTarget.

Muhammad Haggag,
Bitwise account: MHaggag -

Hi, Thanks a ton!

What I meant by the blended alpha value for individual Pixels was:

The back Buffer can have these formats:

So in A8R8G8B8 format
a 50% Transparent Red pixel is 0x80ff0000
When this is blended with a white Pixel 0xffffffff
What Value should the Blended Pixel have ?


I want to do the same for other formats such as R5G6B5 or
X1R5G5B5. Is there a reference I can study for the Pixel formats.

Thanks again and thanks in advance.

quote:When this is blended with a white Pixel 0xffffffff
What Value should the Blended Pixel have ?

For each color channel:
Final = Src * SrcAlpha + Dest * ( 1 - SrcAlpha )

Final: The color that's going to be written to the render-target (By default: The back-buffer)
Src: The source channel, from 0x7fff0000
SrcAlpha: 0x7f == 127
Dest: The dest channel, that's the channel of the pixel already in the back-buffer (that's going to be overwritten by Final)

Out of curiosity, why do you need this? Are you writing some sort of driver/hardware testing/benchmarking suite or some 3DMark-Beater?
You might want to consider comparing HAL results against REF results if you're doing something like this.

Muhammad Haggag,
Bitwise account: MHaggag -


[edited by - Coder on April 12, 2004 1:28:06 AM]

Im writing a Driver test. I tried the formula on RGB565 and its behaving perfectly.

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